Tag: Leadership

Value and Worth

Although the source is unknown, consider this thought, “Surround yourself with people who know your worth. You don’t need too many people to be happy, just a few REAL ones who can appreciate you for who you are.”

Confidence and esteem are lacking in general.

Leaders have the responsibility of showing appreciation for those who need to grow in their confidence.

Think about what it would do for the church to know the value and worth of our contribution and to help others see their value and worth.

Negativity is destructive. We must find a way to avoid negative influences and surround ourselves with positive ones that build worth.


One of the most challenging components of communication is listening.

We are easily distracted by our cell phone, computer, local environment, and a hundred other factors.

We often think of leaders as those out front, giving instruction, direction, and orders.

However, there are several critical reasons leaders must learn the art of listening.

Listening helps you connect with people.
Listening helps you gain a better understanding of their needs.
Listening helps you develop stronger concentration.

Learn to listen with your ears, eyes, and heart. As challenging as it is, being a good listener will change the nature of your leadership.


When momentum is established correctly, it is hard to slow the progress. But, how do leaders establish the kind of momentum that produces forward progress?

1) Start small and build up.
2) Set a pace where others can follow and excel.
3) Strive to keep a positive focus and attitude.
4) Secure additional help to support the forward motion.

Get John Maxwell’s book 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and read the chapter about momentum.

Sometimes, it only takes one spark to get momentum started. Those sparks excite any group into a new level of growth.

When momentum shifts, whoever is not onboard, will be soon.


An urgency and an imperative nature is ascribed to the word, lead. Consider the following thoughts.

1) Initiate motion: To lead requires beginning the process. Waiting on someone else to lead often results in nothing getting accomplished.

2) Organize and direct: If there is a priority that exists in the realm of leading, it is the need to organize and direct.

3) Take command: To lead is to take command, not an authoritative dictator style of leading, but assuming responsibility.

Without taking the lead, the unqualified, desperate, misguided, and agenda driven take the lead.

Each thought carries a pressing demand for spiritual leaders to lead.

Testify, Magnify, and Glorify

I once saw an email tag with this phrase: “let my words testify…let my actions magnify…let my heart glorify the Lord.”

The words we speak, the actions we demonstrate, and the attitudes we portray become the building blocks for our leadership.

The church, the world, co-workers, friends, neighbors, and our family are all watching. They measure our character by the words and actions that display our attitude.

Spiritual leaders must constantly and diligently guard every aspect of life.

Let our words testify…Let our actions magnify…Let our hearts glorify the Lord.

Nothing New

Over the past 60 years of life I have seen several changes. Some of these changes have been good, but many destructive.

Paul Harvey once said, “In times like these it is good to remember that there have always been times like these.”

In the words of Solomon, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

It may be a different generation, culture, gender, age, or time of day, but the outcome is the same. There have always been times like these.

Remember to seek God’s counsel and listen to His word. Here we will find the right answers to solve the problems we face.

Leading Through Difficult Times

Life presents difficulties, challenges often too great to handle. No problem, just push the “easy” button.

While an easy button might help in the purchase of office supplies, life and leadership do not work this way.

Challenges often occur when the path is the smoothest, and when one challenge begins, another sits down beside it.

Everyone wants an easy button, a do-over, a chance at a fresh start.

Leaders must recognize that when difficulties arise it is time for them to lead.

No one is exempt. Spiritual leaders face the task of helping those who encounter struggles in life with confidence and assurance.

A Leader’s Influence

Does leadership influence culture, or does culture influence leadership? There is a great deal of controversy over the answer.

There are times when it seems the culture influences leadership. At other times, leadership influences culture, as with Harry Truman during World War II.

Amazingly, the definition of leadership often changes in relationship to the culture and the current leadership.

While we may never have a definitive answer, one thought is clear: God intends spiritual leaders to influence the culture and not the reverse.

The task before us is to be the influence in our world. We must arise and accept the challenge with courage and boldness.


We want the best technology, best car, best clothes, best food, best service, best leadership. We want the BEST!

The problem enters when defining “the best.” The best for one person may not be the best for another.

In addition, what is the basis for our definition? Will the best be defined by work effort? Cost? Achievement? Time spent?

Instead of thinking this way, consider the pursuit of excellence. This pursuit provides a consistency to leadership. Pursuing excellence…

Acknowledges the present situation and need.

Creates a desire to learn and improve.

Pushes you to make proper application.

Will make a difference in your life and in others.

Reflection of a Leader

Have you looked in the mirror lately? The idea of looking into a mirror dates back to Biblical times.

Mirrors reflect the image standing before it. The concept can be literal or symbolic, physical or spiritual. James writes about the need to look into God’s word like a mirror and see how it is reflected in our lives.

Spiritual leaders need to desperately look into the mirror of their leadership. The image reflected helps determine the core of our existence and what we desire to accomplish.

Look intently. Examine beyond the surface. Make the changes needed. Lead with purpose based upon true reflection.