Tag: Limitations

Stand, Speak, Sit Down

Wisdom says, “Stand up to be seen. Speak up to be heard. Sit down to be appreciated.”

The application reaches into many areas, but it certainly has relevance for leaders.

Leaders should be accessible and approachable. Questions need to be answered, visions plotted, and plans developed.

Leaders must be clear. Leaders need to be decisive, but they must also be clear and precise.

Leaders also need to know their limitations. They must know the balance and limits of their time and talent.

Followers value leaders who are visible, understood, and work within the boundaries of their ability.


An old Chinese proverb says, “Limitations are but the boundaries we place in our minds.”

We see this in the spies sent into Canaan that delivered a bad report to the people of Israel. Their claim indicates the limitation in their thinking. They saw themselves as grasshoppers.

They could not see themselves conquering the land, nor God doing so through them.

Leaders today are often held back, not because they lack the ability, but because they do not see themselves as able to accomplish the task.

Stop considering who you are not. Start thinking about who God is and what He can do through you if you allow Him to do so.

What If…Part 3

What would life be like if we took out the “if factor”?

Think about the following questions.

Do we limit the power of God by the boundaries we create in our own mind?

Do we believe God has the power to do far beyond all we ask or think according to the power that works within us?

What do we hinder God from doing when we place limitations on Him?

What could God do through you and me as leaders if our faith was greater?

When we believe that God can and will accomplish His purpose, in spite of us, maybe we would stop thinking small and start thinking big!

Faith-based Leadership

An old Chinese proverb claims that “limitations are the boundaries we place in our minds.” What do we consider to be possible or impossible?

While we claim that all things are possible with God, do we really believe it?

We say we have faith, then turn around and place limitations on what we hope to accomplish because it has not been done before. Do we really believe?

Since God is our strength and He made us fellow-workers in His kingdom, we need to stop thinking in the realm of impossibility. Maybe if we moved out of the way, God would do some incredible things.

Unlimited Possibilities…

What would we attempt to do if we knew we could not fail? Anthony Robbins says, “What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.”

An old Chinese proverb claims, “Limitations are the boundaries we place in our own minds.”

Leaders must know what they believe about themselves and recognize that with God all things are possible.

They must believe it, live as though they believe it, and influence others to believe it.

This is leadership!

Passion for Thinking Big…

Imagine what would happen if leaders thought big. The passion that drives greatness can be nothing short of global.

Nelson Mandela once said, “There is no passion to be found playing small––in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

Far too often, we place limitations on what God can do through us, because we have settled for less than our capabilities.

Avoid the “grasshopper syndrome” demonstrated by the spies in Numbers 13:33. The way they saw themselves directly influenced the way others saw them. Think about it! 

Leaders must not fall prey to this limited, small-thinking mindset. Think Big!

The Right Tool…

Although it is not my forte, I have tried to work on a number of mechanical items over the years, from cars to electronics. 

I might have enjoyed more success if I had learned the valuable lesson of getting the right tool(s) for the job and the importance of knowing my limitations.

I can see many similarities to leadership. Leaders do well to learn the importance of taking time to do whatever it takes to prepare properly and achieve the job successfully.

Being equipped with the right tools in leadership can make the difference now and eternally. Prepare and know your limitations!