Tag: Lord


Statistics often provide value when collected and used correctly.

Once information is collected, statisticians categorize and examine the information to determine statistics that describe a broader section of people within a geographical location, gender, ethnic, social, economic, or religious base.

Before we write off the negative view of statistics, let us consider how these numbers can be a tool to motivate and inspire greater work for the Lord’s kingdom.

We can learn valuable information that assists in the development of our influence as leaders. Statistics help us learn more about the people we want to influence.

Leading By Example

Leaders are characterized by their example, and we all set an example by our words and actions.

Paul identified five areas where Timothy was to provide an example as someone who believed: speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Tim. 4:12).

As parents, children, siblings, employees, and in all other relationships we might consider, our lives should reflect the example set by our Lord.

Notice the results of a good example: 1) we please the Lord, 2) we ensure salvation for ourselves and those who hear us, 3) others know the direction to follow, and 4) our relationships grow stronger.

Ambitious Leadership

Every leader needs ambition: a strong desire to do or achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.

When Paul wrote to the church at Corinth, he claimed our ambition is to be pleasing to the Lord (2 Co. 5:9).

Imagine the power of leadership when strong desire, determination, and hard work are exerted toward pleasing the Lord.

Ambition based on this purpose will guide every area of life and leadership.

In our homes, on the job, in the community, and within the Lord’s church we show the world we are His disciples when our ambition is to please the Lord.

Biblical Resolution…Part 2

Paul’s letter to Philemon regarding the runaway slave, Onesimus, is another great text on resolving conflict. Paul makes several appeals, and each hold significance.

First, he appeals to Philemon’s character, faith, love for the church, and dedication to the Lord.

Second, he appeals for the sake of his self-sacrificing love.

Third, he appeals to the value and worth of Onesimus, not as a slave, but a brother in Christ.

Fourth, he appeals to his own confidence in Philemon to go beyond what Paul asks.

Our conflict with others could be resolved more quickly if we spent a little time making an appeal based on these four areas.

An Expanding Leader

Expansion is the action of becoming larger or more extensive. Unless we are able to think bigger, plan larger, trust more, and implement options to achieve expansion, we will not grow beyond the shadow of our own leadership.

The challenge for leaders today is to eliminate the “status quo” and move forward to greater heights.

Expansion, whether we like it or not, is a part of God’s plan and we are privileged to participate in that plan.

Let us set our eyes on a greater horizon, a more global mindset, and implement plans to expand the borders of the Lord’s kingdom.

Micro-Managing Leaders

We all know leaders who micro-manage every area. They want a hand in every intricate part of the project or activity.

They tend to experience fear if something happens they do not control.

We need to rethink the approach we take in leading others for the sake of our Lord and Savior.

We plant and water, remembering that He is the One who will make it grow. If we can focus on doing our part, He will do His!

The challenge enters when we think we are responsible for God’s part and micro-manage our influence in leading others. Trust God to do His part.

Leading With Value

How much value do we place on life? From a leadership perspective, the answer is measured in how our time is spent.

Most are familiar with the expression that “life is not measured in the number of breaths we take, but in the moments that take our breath away.”

If we lose sight of what is most important, we can easily get caught up in what is called the “tyranny of the urgent.”

Take a moment to reflect and remember that every second is a gift from God. Each is valuable and worthy to be used influencing others for the Lord.


When someone is isolated from a group they belong to, we tend to identify it as alienation.

Leaders have an opportunity to influence others for the Lord, for the betterment of life, and growth in the kingdom.

When we are driven to prove a point or advance our agenda, we can alienate those we try to influence, and we lose credibility.

When we lose our credibility and influence, two things happen: 1) a wall of defense is erected, and 2) we drive the other person deeper into their convictions.

The cause of Christ is too great to alienate someone from the greater good.

The Principle of Leadership

A principle is defined as a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct.

We find that principles are foundational to leadership. The world around us measures what they see and hear by the profession of our faith.

If the principles by which we proclaim the gospel do not align with an example evidenced by word and deed, accusations of hypocrisy are rightly made.

When these principles do align, they breathe life into our character.

When this happens, lives change and souls are influenced for the cause of our Lord.

Future of Leadership

What does leadership look like for the church’s future?

We see what waiting for people to develop on their own accomplishes, and the outcome is not favorable.

We must be proactive in developing future leaders through training. The Lord’s church needs solid leaders. We are not only responsible, but also accountable for our approach in developing leaders.

Nothing happens by accident. Leaders do not just wake up one day and say, “I’ll lead.” They must be groomed carefully, strategically, and biblically in order to direct the future of the church.

The time is now. Let us pursue the task with diligence.