Tag: Maturity


Mentoring usually involves an experienced and trusted advisor who trains and counsels someone else. The mentoring relationship may extend any where from a few days to a few years depending on the nature and purpose of the relationship.

As a spiritual influence in the lives of others, we all want to pursue ways we can mentor someone in developing maturity in their faith.

Our approach should be based on the methods of Jesus.

Take a moment to pray about someone who can be a mentor and pray for someone you can mentor.

Developing Leaders

If there was one word leaders need to understand for the success of the church, it would be develop.

The goal of teaching was to present every person mature in Christ. God gave gifts to various individuals for the purposing of helping the church develop, achieving unity and maturity in the faith.

Developing faith and relationship with God is the vital responsibility of leadership.

We must lead others to a greater love and understanding of His word.
We must assist Christians in using their God given abilities in His service.
We must encourage the expression of God’s grace toward others.

Leadership is about development. Let’s get started.

The Craft of Leadership

Is leadership really a craft? How do leaders hone the craft of leadership? What skills are needed for this craft?

The answers to these questions are varied and complex, depending on the source. There are, however, a few ideas that benefit this approach in leadership.

We all possess certain skills, and developing those skills improves the craft.

Leaders spend years developing and providing a great example to emulate.

Practicing our skills is crucial to understanding the craft and improving our skill set in leadership.

Nothing comes quickly or easily, but with time and effort, our leadership craft matures into something beautiful.

Self-Differentiated Leaders…

Edwin Friedman is one of several who discuss concepts associated with a self-differentiated leader. Three main areas stand out.

1) They know who they are: There is clarity about life-goals and they possess strong self-awareness.

2) They are part of the system, but not controlled by it: They rarely get lost in the anxious emotional processes around them.

3) They are able to take stands at the risk of displeasing others: They have the ability to deal with the super responsible and vulnerable.

Spiritual leaders face situations where leadership maturity is needed. The process of developing into self-differentiated leader is a journey to that maturity.

Leadership Expectations…

Disappointment emerges when leaders expect others to live by their own personal standard of behavior.

My son says, “Live the way you would want others to live, but do not expect it of them.”

Consider these lessons.

1) We cannot know motives, so stop expecting others to live by our standard, even if it is right.

2) We limit someone’s potential when we are frustrated at their failure to measure up.

3) Everyone’s maturity level is different, because our backgrounds are not the same.

Let us measure up to the example of Christ. Then, nurture relationships with others to help them do the same. This is true leadership.