Tag: Measure

Measure Twice, Cut Once

If you are like me, this is one of those lessons learned by experience.

While it extends into the field of carpentry and medicine, we find an application fitting for most areas of life, especially leadership.

Leadership credibility increases when decisions are based on additional information gained or counsel received, indicating the time taken to measure twice.

How different would the outcome have been if biblical leaders like Saul, David, Peter, and Paul had taking time to investigate further before making a decision compromising their relationship with God and His people?

Measuring twice makes it possible to ensure accuracy before making decisions with great consequential impact.

Rating Our Leadership

We enjoy the idea of rating performance, looks, ability, etc. and, generally, we use a scale from 1 to 10. How would we rate our leadership?

While consistent standards are helpful, we need to realize a couple of factors.

1) People will rate our leadership (whether we like it or not).
2) Our rating is based on ability, decisions, relationships, and previous success.
3) We will give an account to God for our leadership.
4) The final measuring device will be God’s word.

Changing our rating is up to us. When we use God’s word, on a scale of 1 to 10, how will our leadership measure up?

Measuring Our Leadership

We tend to gauge success by tangible measurements, but is everything that easily measured?

How do we measure someone’s knowledge? How do we measure the long-term impact of the gospel once the seed is sown? How should we approach our leadership within the church?

Leave the measuring to God. He has an accurate way of measuring what happens.

Be consistent. Measure growth in another location by the same standard in our own.

Remember, goals are important and our job is to plant and water.
God will give the increase.

If we do our part, God will do His and the measurement will always be right.

Timely Advice

Measure twice, cut once.

The lesson behind this advice extends beyond the field of carpentry and medicine. In fact, the application is fitting for most areas of life, especially leadership.

Leadership credibility increases when decisions are based on additional information gained or counsel received indicating the time taken to measure twice.

How different will outcomes be if we take time to investigate before making decisions that compromise our relationship with God and His people?

Measuring twice makes it possible to insure accuracy before making decisions that carry great consequential impact.

Our leadership rests in the balance of this advice.

Measuring our Leadership…

One thing about leadership, everyone is watching. Children, spouses, coworkers, neighbors, friends, and the world. They are all watching. 

Andrew Carnegie once said, “As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.”

People listen to what we say, but they watch what we do and measure. How does our leadership measure up? 

God measured the leaders of His people to show them how they did not measure up to the standard He had given them. 

If God were measuring our leadership, how would we measure up?

While others are watching, God also watches. Will we measure up?

Successful Leadership…

Success has been defined in numerous ways, but how we define and measure success is critical to leadership.

Here are a few suggestions to consider.

1) Setting smart goals and developing solid plans to achieve them

2) Growing spiritually stronger in relationship to God and others

3) Utilizing God’s word as the standard for decisions

4) Providing the right tools to assist others reach their potential

Ultimately, changed lives are the true measure of success. We could say so much more, but the point is the same. As spiritual leaders, we must define and measure success by the lives changed within our sphere of influence.