Tag: Message

Sign of the Times

Are we able to see the signs of our times? Are we aware of the cultural changes developing almost by the minute?

The direction of our world is frightening and exciting at the same time. The opportunities have never been greater and the needs more pressing.

We must consider the need to move out of a dated methodology that may no longer be effective.

The message never changes, but our methods require attention. If the methods we use are outdated, effectiveness will be limited.

Can we see the signs of the times, or are we doing the same things in the same ways expecting different results? Give it thought.

Tone, Pace, and Volume

I once asked a group of men about how to improve communication as leaders. While I received several responses, one that resonated well with me involved three words: Tone, Pace, and Volume.

The tone we use to communicate impacts the attitude with which our message is received.

The pace of our communication determines the level in which it is understood.

The volume we use to communicate influences how well the message is accepted.

It is worth the time and effort to ensure that the tone, pace, and volume used to communicate our message is appropriate for positive reception, understanding, and acceptance.

The Message of Leadership

We all send messages by our words and actions. What kind of message do we send?

Leaders ensure the right message is sent and received, but how?

Use the right source for the message. God’s word, the right source for the message is beyond comparison.

Build character on that foundation. Godly character walks away from the grave above all else.

Live accordingly.
Everyone watches and measures our conduct with our faith. Make sure they align.

Gauge the impact in relationship to the source
. Learn to think before speaking and consider how our words make a difference.

Do We Need To Change?

We often hear, “Change is not always good, but it is not always bad either.”

While reading quotes from Jack Welch, one struck a cord, “If the rate of change inside an organization is less than the rate of change outside the organization…their end is in sight.”

Let’s clarify, this is not about changing the message. The message never changes. However, methodology must change. If not, what we’ve experienced in recent years will continue.

Leaders must communicate the need for change and how to implement it timely. They must also ensure that the change inside keeps up appropriately with the change outside.

Doing so prevents the end and provides success.