Tag: Opportunity


What do we believe and why do we believe it?

Amazingly, and more to the point, when we believe something, we talk about it to others. We express why our belief is so strong. When we do not believe there seems to be no purpose.

Paul told the church at Corinth, “I believe therefore I speak.”

We have opportunity to influence people everyday. It is fundamental to leadership. Do we talk about what we believe? Do we speak about the overwhelming nature of what we believe and why we believe it?

Communication allows us to share a belief system based on the evidence of truth. Make it count!


Being a part of the team is special and powerful.

There are challenges, frustrations, thrills, high-fives, and throughout it all, a sense of accomplishment.

Teams are diligent in preparation, hungry to learn, and always focused on the priority.

Teams face the task of changing lives physically and spiritually.

Teams ask questions, discuss possibilities, work on solutions, and make decisions together.

One goal sets before them. One lifetime is given to accomplish the task.

Through it all, one opportunity has been provided to be a part of this team. The Lord knew the difference made by a team.

The Hand

In the Old Testament we find a great contrast between deliverance by the hand of the Lord and oppression by the hand of Israel’s enemies.

God’s hand holds both consequence and reward. While God’s hand creates fear, it also instills hope. “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Yet, Jesus sits at the right hand of the majesty on high and intercedes for us.

We are instructed to humble ourselves “under the mighty hand of God.”

The hand of leadership leads out of humility and provides hope.

We have an opportunity to make a difference with the use of our hand.


Where do we focus our attention? What purpose drives us as leaders? We can easily get distracted and lose focus and forget our purpose.

There are times we spend too much energy putting out “brush fires” and we lose sight of the goal. We must remember, and followers need to be reminded of, our purpose.

Be driven by it.
Determine to succeed.
Establish unity in the work.
Promote it at every opportunity.
Never quit.

Impossibilities disappear when we are driven by purpose, especially when that purpose has a godly foundation.

Discouragement and Distraction

Satan carries many tools in his arsenal, all designed to distract leaders from the great task before them.

Nothing seems more distracting than discouragement. Nehemiah would not allow any amount of discouragement, abuse, or intimidation to distract him from completing the work.

The devil seeks to discourage and distract us, attempting to cause us to give up.

Nehemiah noted, “We doing a great work and [we] cannot come down. Why should the work stop while [we] leave it and come down to you?” (Neh. 6:3)

Fight the urge! Stay the course! Do not be distracted! Do not give the devil opportunity!


An opportunity involves circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost. We cannot take advantage of opportunities if we are unable to see the possibilities.

In part, leadership is about seeing the possibilities and taking advantage of the opportunities the moment they arise.

Few people would turn down the opportunity to double an investment in a short period of time. When the stakes are guaranteed we know the need to act quickly.

The same is true spiritually. Consider: 1) Do we really see the possibilities of reaching out to souls around us? 2) Do we take advantage of the opportunities God presents?

The Odds

What chance is there, out of all the people on the planet who have never even heard the name of Jesus, you and I heard it?

Why were we so blessed to hear the Gospel when many in the world hear an altered version if they hear it at all?

We need to recognize the responsibility that comes with this opportunity.

Should we keep it to ourselves? Can we really go through each day without considering those who walk through life unaware of what awaits in eternity?

We are blessed among all people. This blessing is one meant to be shared, leading others to a hope of something beyond.

Learning Leaders

How would you describe the adventure, purpose, nature, challenge, essence, opportunity, secret, spice, and beauty of life?

William Arthur Ward sums it up this way: “The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to serve. The secret of life is to dare. The spice of life is to befriend. The beauty of life is to give.”

Learning, growing, changing, overcoming, caring, serving, daring, befriending and giving are the key elements to the activity of great leaders.


Leadership awareness involves a knowledge or perception of the situation or fact.

Leaders need self-awareness, i.e. an awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses, an awareness of who they are, where they are going, and how they plan to achieve their vision.

Leaders also need an awareness of others, i.e. an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of those who follow, an awareness of how to help others reach their greatest potential and achieve goals.

Leaders should also be aware of the environment, i.e. an awareness of available resources, an awareness of the obstacles, the reality of progress, and open doors of opportunity.


Opportunity has been defined as circumstances presenting possibility, either to be gained or lost.

Nicholas Sparks once said, “It’s the possibility that keeps me going, not the guarantee.”

When we look at our neighbors, what possibilities come to mind?

When we look at the city where we live, can we see evangelistic possibilities?

When we look at our state or nation, what possibilities fill our vision?

When we look at the world, what possibility keeps us going?

Leadership will not succeed if we only look for guarantees. The possibilities of what God can and will do through us must keep us going.