Tag: Opportunity

Lead Like A Champion…

Every athletic team longs to be crowned “champion.”

The amount of effort given and money spent to finish a champion at a professional level is beyond comprehension.

However, our influence as leaders provides an opportunity to be a champion for someone. What kind of champion is up to us?

The influence of true champions will not be seen with a touchdown, home run, three-point shot, goal scored, or crossing a finish line.

True champions are formed through the acts of kindness, grace, and love. A bed, a home-cooked meal, a drink of water, a smile, a word of encouragement, or a helping hand, are all key components to being a true champion.

Leading Our Children…

Leadership begins in the home. The greatest opportunities for influence occur within the four walls where we live.

From the time children arise in the morning to the time they lay down to sleep, teaching moments are everywhere.

The air we breathe, food we eat, the opportunity to see a sunrise, the ability to move our fingers and toes, witnessing God’s creation come to life, and hundreds more, are all moments to teach our children about the existence of God and His love for us.

Let us always take action to lead our children.

Leadership Opportunities…

Opportunities are associated with choosing to walk the right path. These opportunities connect to short and long-term planning that help us achieve success.

One of the most important areas to consider involves the tools we carry to assist us in the journey.

Remove blinders. An awareness of our surroundings coupled with a willingness to help is vital.

Avoid distractions. Know the areas that create distractions and learn to avoid them.

Stay focused.
Staying focused on the right path reminds us of the purpose behind our walk.

Overcoming Challenges…

Internal and external challenges face every leader, which can cause them to question their ability, opportunity, position, and purpose in leadership.

Confidence in one’s ability diminishes when leaders experience failure, suffer discouragement, or when they are harshly criticized by others.

Remember that failure only exists when we give up.

Learn how to overcome discouragement with self-evaluation.

Instead of “reacting” to criticism, “act” with an appropriate response.

While these are limited ideas, overcoming the challenges is possible. Seek to walk the right path.

Lessons from the Wilderness…

Wilderness is an interesting study in the Bible. Time spent in a physical or mental wilderness is a common thread among the leaders of God’s people.

Remember Joseph? From slavery to the dungeon, God developed a leader who saved His people.

How about Moses? Throughout his 40 years in Midian, God developed Moses to lead Israel.

After 40 days of fasting in the wilderness, Jesus was tempted, yet resolved.

What is it about the wilderness that helps prepare God’s people to lead?

A walk through the wilderness is neither desired or pleasant. However, the time provides opportunities for growth and prepares us to lead God’s people.

Time is of the Essence…

We are a few months away from the end of 2020, and I am sure many are ready to reboot.

How has the pandemic impacted our goals? How will we structure goals for 2021?

If we have procrastinated the need to set goals, we need to rethink our direction. If we are waiting to decide what is most important, we have no time to waste.

With so much to do, people to lead to Christ, Christians to strengthen in faithfulness and personal growth, time is of the essence.

Let us use the time God has given us wisely and not waste this opportunity to prepare.

Leadership Awareness…

Leadership awareness involves a knowledge or perception of the situation or fact.

Self-awareness, i.e. personal strengths and weaknesses, who we are, where we are going, and how we plan to reach the destination.

Others-centered awareness, i.e. the strengths and weaknesses of those who follow, how to help others reach their greatest potential and achieve the goals of the organization.

Environmental awareness, i.e. available resources, obstacles, the reality of progress, and open doors of opportunity.

Spiritual leaders must lead from a dual-world mindset: physical and spiritual.

Unprecedented Leadership…

Unprecedented seems to be the most common description of 2020, more specifically, the coronavirus pandemic. As uncertainty looms, how do leaders respond?

As we explore the possibilities, one factor is clear: Returning to the way things were before is not a reality, at least not in the foreseeable future.

Perhaps we should ask if returning to the way things were before is best for the church.

Crises present opportunities. How we approach these opportunities impacts the direction of the church and her leaders.

During these times, let’s focus on how to use these opportunities to lead in ways that grow the kingdom.

Better Leadership…

At the Global Leadership Summit, I heard frequently, “When leaders get better, everyone gets better.”

Wayne W, Dyer says, “With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.”

The gift of growing in opportunities is exciting. God wants leaders to grow. He wants us to improve. The events of life can be tragically difficult. These events make us either bitter or better.

As Dyer explains, “You get to choose.”

The Responsibility of Service…

Jose Marti said, “Talent is a gift that brings with it an obligation to serve the world, and not ourselves, for it is not of our making.”

We all have opportunities to develop our abilities. Through education or experience, we can develop natural gifts and use our talent to serve others.

To use our talent only for ourselves is narcissistic. Do we realize that our talent is not of our making?

Our responsibility is fulfilled by serving others.

Godly leaders illustrate the most significant form of biblical love when they demonstrate this service.