Tag: Optimism


There are many challenges to remaining positive and optimistic in a world filled with the kind of hatred that fosters negativity and pessimism.

Nelson Mandela said, “I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward. There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”

Dark moments will come, but biblical leaders understand the hope in Christ that endures despair.

We must not give up.

Optimistic Leaders

Optimism serves leaders in much greater ways than the skepticism and negativity so rampant in the influences of our daily life.

Helen Keller said, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”

Three words stand out as part of this statement: faith, hope, and confidence. Each word feeds on the other and they are interdependent in the relationship between them.

Hope represents an earnest expectation. The confidence that exists in the arena of hope is fueled by the faith that drives the optimism needed to achieve incredible results.

Ask yourself, “What can I do to further develop this optimistic attitude?”

Optimistic Leaders

Optimism includes hope and confidence about the future or outcome.

The contrast between leaders who are optimistic and those who are not can be associated with age and experience. Encountering negative experiences in life often hinders optimistic leadership.

How do leaders keep hope and confidence alive?

1) Remember, “everyone” is not against you.
2) Stop trying to live in or change the past.
3) Surround yourself with optimistic people.
4) Be realistic about personal expectations.
5) Learn to accept who you are as a person.
6) Express gratitude for what you have.
7) Reflect often on the positive areas of life.

Try it and see how contagious it becomes.

Optimistic Leadership

The eternal optimist sounds like a beautiful description of leadership character. Expecting the best to happen every time is an encouraging consideration, but not as realistic as we would like. One reason is because how the word “best” is defined determines the direction of our optimism.

As spiritual leaders, when we trust that whatever happens in our life is best for this moment, then we begin to look at each situation as an opportunity to learn and grow. This is where positive thinking is born and the results create a far better approach to a life well-lived.

Leading with Optimism…

Pessimism or optimism? The choice is ours.

Although the author is unknown, the thought is powerful, “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right.”

Fear is real. No matter how we might deny or ignore its existence, if left unchecked, fear can stop us in our tracks.

Fear of what could go wrong also causes us to worry and dwell on negativity, both of which bring a great level of unpleasantness.

When we focus on what can go right, we lead with a vision of tomorrow that promotes hope and gives people something to believe in for the future.

The Power of Optimism…

Optimism includes hope and confidence about the future or successful outcome of something.

The negative nature of life’s experiences can hinder optimistic leadership, but here are a few suggestions to lead with optimism.

1) Remember, not everyone is against you.
2) Stop trying to live in or change the past, you cannot.
3) Be surrounded by optimistic people who cast a vision of hope.
4) Be realistic about personal expectations.
5) Accept who you are as a person.
6) Express gratitude for what you have physically and spiritually.
7) Reflect more often on the positive areas of life.

Try being optimistic and see how contagious it becomes.