Tag: Patience

Self-Aware Leaders…

An amazing inward benefit occurs when we outwardly recognize the pains and struggles of others.

Amyra Mah said it this way, “As I learned to accept myself, I began to relate to people on a deeper level and saw that everyone comes with their own pains and struggles. I learned to appreciate them for their flaws as much as their strengths, which in turn helped me to accept myself more.”

Self-perception benefits leaders with an awareness of their strengths and weaknesses, along with an understanding of how to help others with the same.

The beauty of this discovery results in compassion, sympathy, empathy, and patience.


Patience is often said to be a desired virtue, but one we fail to demonstrate.

In a society geared toward productivity, the clock becomes a slave driver and the loss of control challenges every level of patience.

Kenneson identifies patience as yielding control to another (109). Biblical patience is others-directed.

Obstacles include segmenting, regulating, and hoarding time, as well as, exalting productivity, and the desire for speed.

Patience is cultivated by remembering God’s patience with us in times we stumble through life determining our place in His redemptive story. We also cultivate patience by thinking of time differently, as a gift instead of commodity.

Observant Leaders…

Consider the power of observation.

Alert: When leaders are alert they quickly notice anything unusual or potentially dangerous. The spiritual battle requires alert leaders.

Watchful: Followers need leaders who are carefully watch over the lives entrusted to their care. Observant leaders are watchful. 

Aware: Leaders demonstrate awareness when they possess knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

Attentive: Leaders must observe every detail.

Other ideas could be used, but the basis for success is found in being observant. Observant leadership is not easy. It requires diligence, time, patience, and great love.

Testing Leadership Character…

In the words of John Holt, Jr., “The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don’t know what to do.”

Leaders need the qualities of patience, understanding, thoughtful reflection, the exercise of caution, and more.

Decisions can be made rashly and without a proper foundation. The result often brings serious consequences.

Seeking the counsel of others who have walked the same paths opens leaders to greater wisdom, new alternatives, and angles of consideration.

When leaders find themselves not knowing what to do, the best option is to pray!

Unscriptural or Uncomfortable…

A thin line exists between the two and leaders are challenged to recognize the difference. How?

Know the book. When knowledge of God’s word is weak, leaders will not know if something is Biblical or not.

Seek wisdom through prayer. This is not a prayer before a meeting, but a “without ceasing” approach to seek God’s guidance.

Ask the right questions. Asking why we do something opens a door to greater understanding.

Be patient. Decisions should rarely be made in one meeting. Give it time, but be careful not to procrastinate.

A few steps will help us determine the difference in what is unscriptural versus uncomfortable.

Benefits of Traveling…

Traveling has its ups and downs, good and bad. There are a number of applications for leadership during our travels. For example:

Someone new to meet. It is a good to know that the people we meet and lead have a variety of personalities.

Patience. While a Star Trek transporter would be nice, consider the lesson we would miss that is so vital to our leadership.

The opportunity to think. Travel time affords us an opportunity to think through the more difficult or challenging issues.

These are only three that stand out. Take a trip and see if these or other lessons help your leadership.

Enduring Leadership…

For leaders, endurance is difficult. To endure means to bear up under the load. It is more than being patient. 

While we need patience, endurance challenges us to hold on and hold on longer than we can imagine.

Consider these thoughts.

If God brings us to it, He will see us through it.

God will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to bear (1 Co. 10:13).

No matter how difficult, trials are only temporary.

With some perspective, we can endure knowing our God is in control.

A Leading Parable…

The parables of Jesus often shed light on great leadership principles. One of those is the Parable of the Tares. Here is what we learn…

The enemy is working against spiritual leaders.

Patience is needed, even when evil grows in the midst of good.

Time will reveal the intentions of the heart.

Light always triumphs over darkness.

Take time to read the parable and think about these principles as they apply to leadership. Leaders must learn to approach and handle these areas with faithfulness to God. The result will strengthen their influence and leadership.

Cultivating Leaders…

One analogy of good leadership is connected to the law of harvest. Few illustrations are more powerful than planting a seed, cultivating it, and watching it grow into something beautiful.

Here are a few truths to remember.

Leaders cannot always know where the seed is going to land.

Our leadership will have mixed reception.

Perseverance is an essential quality in leaders.

Producing good fruit requires patience from leaders.

Lives are changed by good leaders and it is worth our time to ensure we cultivate the seed properly for good soil to be productive.

Frustrated Leadership…

What is it that frustrates us the most? While the list is endless, here are a few possibilities. 


Do we get frustrated when we see any or all of the above?

Leadership is not unique when it comes to frustration. Followers get frustrated when they see leadership involved in any of these areas also.

John Maxwell is credited with saying, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” 

It begins with us as leaders to set the example, providing a standard to follow. We must demonstrate patience and understanding in gently leading others to this standard, not condemning or acting condescendingly concerning their actions.