Tag: Paul


Our world is geared to satisfy self. A quick Google search or a tour through Amazon’s book selection reveals the magnitude of the problem. Book titles such as, Love Yourself, Celebrate Yourself, Self-Esteem: You’re Better Than You Think, and The Art of Learning to Love Yourself highlight the challenge before us.

Leaders must be people-centric, others-centered, if they desire true fulfillment. Even more interesting is the fact that the entire concept is biblical.

Jesus explicitly identifies the first step to discipleship as one of denying self (Lk. 9:23), and Paul caps off the thought with regarding others as more important than self (Phil. 2:3-4).


Janet Dailey is credited with saying, “Someday is not a day of the week.”

When we consider the urgency of leadership within the church today, one has to wonder if years ago the thought was, “Someday I will lead.”

Apathy and indifference has influenced the church to the point we now have a generation that lacks the desire to lead.

Where is the passion that drives us to excel as Paul instructed? What happened to the desire to improve who we are in order to help others grow?

The time is NOW! We must not delay to meet the urgency of the situation.

A Great Responsibility

When Paul wrote Timothy, he used an interesting word translated entrust. The idea was to take what was entrusted to him and entrust it to others.

At the root of this word is the concept of placing before or into the hand of another. It represents responsibility. Whatever was placed into the hand carried a responsibility of placing into the hand of someone else that it might be perpetuated into the future.

When we apply the concept to leadership, this principle indicates a succession that leaders must consider for the future. How seriously do we take this responsibility?


The only time when Jesus said, “I gave you an example,” is in John 13 where He emphasized the need to be a servant, and the mark of our discipleship comes from the way we treat one another.

Paul encouraged Christians to follow his example (1 Co. 11:1). He told Timothy to be an example of the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity (1 Tim. 4:12). The world needs Christians to be an example in marriage and parenting, in ethical business conduct, and being a good neighbor.

We can provide no greater gift in leading others to Christ than setting a good example.

Leading With Love

One of the greatest needs in our world and yet so challenging involves love.

God loves us for who we are and where we are, unconditionally. Unconditionally is where the difficulty begins.

Paul told the church in Rome that God “demonstrates His love toward us.” The love God demonstrated in the past benefits us now and there is no assessment of it ever ending.

To lead others to the love of God, we must demonstrate the nature of God’s love to them.

We even love those who are not always easy to love. If God continues to love us in this way, we must do the same toward others.

Paul…Part 3

Three more qualities stand out as it relates to Paul’s leadership.

Confident: Paul’s confidence was not based on who he was, but Jesus and what Christ had done for Him.

Disciplined: Paul spoke about discipline to ensure the message of the gospel aligned perfectly with the example of his life.

Faithful: Christ considered Paul faithful. Although his past was an example of blasphemy, persecution, and violence toward the church, the Lord saw something greater.

Paul exemplifies many qualities needed for leadership. If we emulate them, God will use us in powerful ways to make a difference.

Paul…Part 2

Paul presents many qualities of leadership, some we looked at previously.

Consider a few additional qualities:

Humble: He considered himself the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle, and he was the chief of sinners. He certainly understood and exemplified humility.

Dedicated: Paul was determined to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Co. 2:2-5). He was dedicated to do whatever necessary to preach this message.

His love for all who were lost and his intense concern over the church is an example of true leadership. He wanted nothing more than for people to be saved.


I love Paul’s leadership, and here is why. He was…

Passionate: As a persecutor of the church, he pursued it with passion. He even raised his level of passion when he became a defender of the faith.

Bold: Paul asked the church to pray for his boldness and it was demonstrated throughout every step of his ministry.

Selfless: Paul became all things to all men so that he might save some. He endured great hardship for others to learn about Jesus.

If we could approach our leadership with the passion, boldness, and selflessness of Paul, we could change the world.


Barnabas was a great example in generosity. He sold property and gave it all to the apostles to help in the needs of the early church.

His name means “Son of Encouragement.”

After Paul’s conversion to Christianity, people were hesitant to believe the change until Barnabas spoke up for Paul.

When Paul did not want to take John Mark on the next missionary journey Barnabas gave John Mark another chance.

We need to be willing to stand and speak up for those who have changed their lives and, whenever possible, we need to give people another chance.

What an encouragement! What a need in leadership.

Enduring Leadership

Blueprints provide details to make certain a structure will last.

What kind of blueprint will help leaders ensure their leadership is long-lasting?

All blueprints begin with the foundation. Only by building on the right foundation will our leadership carry a lasting influence.

Paul points out there is no human who has the power to lay the kind of foundation needed for lasting leadership. Only Jesus provides a foundation for enduring leadership (1 Corinthians 3:11).

From His example we learn the nature, qualities, and character of the leadership God desires and designed for us today.