Tag: Paul

A Leadership Gift

People tend to enjoy receiving gifts. Usually, we appreciate the intent more than the price. I like the way Paul said it, “I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.”

Paul was willing to give of himself in every way if it benefited others. Specifically, he desired their salvation.

In a self-serving world, it is challenging to find leaders who desire more to give than receive. As spiritual leaders, we focus on giving ourselves so others might be saved.

Our prayer should be to see the ways we can spend and be spent in the Lord’s service.

Knowledge, Understanding, Experience

Knowledge often highlights knowing facts or information.

Understanding includes factual information, but it carries meaning and application.

Experience takes on sharing in the same events or activities in order to gain full comprehension.

Paul wanted to know more than facts about Jesus. He wanted more than an understanding of what those facts meant and how they applied. He wanted to know Christ on the basis of experience.

The privilege of going through what Jesus experienced, “the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,” meant more than book knowledge.

Imagine a leadership based on this knowledge, understanding, and experience.

Knowing God

God’s people rejected a knowledge of God, His law, statutes, and commandments. Every time this occurred they were punished.

Jesus claimed that eternal life was based on knowing God and knowing the One sent by Him, Jn. 17:3. Peter reminds us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ,” 2 Pet. 3:18. One of the most significant references about knowing God was written by Paul to the church at Philippi, Phil. 3:7-11.

Spiritual leadership is built on the foundation of knowing God. While I cannot fully address every area related to the subject, this lifelong journey challenges us to focus on that goal.

Our Greatest Ally

Leadership is not about trying to make things happen on our own. The minute we go at it alone, we are destined to fail.

When David faced Goliath he knew the One who was there to help him. Goliath came to the battle as a warrior armed with a javelin, sword and spear. However, David came with the living God of Israel on his side. Who do you think won?

Do we know our greatest Ally? When we come to the battle with the living God on our side, we cannot fail.

Paul reminds us of this truth (Rom. 8:31-39).

Platform for Leadership

What is the platform for our leadership? Are we standing on a platform driven by our personal agenda, or the one established by God?

As we examine the direction of our leadership, the platform has already been constructed and delivered by God. His word outlines for us the platform we are to stand on and lift up before the world.

Perhaps this is why Paul describes the church as the “pillar and support of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15).

If we can wrap our minds around the significance of this statement and build on this foundation, then our leadership will fulfill a divinely given task.

What Do You Believe?

People believe a lot of things. Bigfoot? Elvis is still alive? UFOs? Aliens? Theory of evolution?

This post is not be designed to discuss these matters at any level. However, it causes me to wonder about what we believe and why we believe it.

Getting straight to the point, when we believe something, we talk about it to others. We express why our belief is so strong. When we do not believe, there seems to be no purpose.

Paul told the church at Corinth, “I believe therefore I speak.”

Communication allows us an avenue to share a belief system based on the evidence of truth. Make it count!

Sacrificial Leadership

To lead is to sacrifice. Sacrifice is found at every level of leadership. How great of sacrifice is required? Are we willing to make the sacrifice?

The apostle Paul was one who made great sacrifices in serving the Lord and His church.

First, Paul claimed nothing held more value than knowing Christ Jesus.
Second, Paul’s suffering was not just past tense. It was future tense also.

If we go below the surface and examine Paul’s leadership, we find a leader of great sacrifice. His level of sacrifice is exemplified throughout his writings (2 Cor. 11:23-29).

Let us arise to the same example.

A Spiritual Leader

Paul’s words to the church at Corinth identify a spiritual leader, “Who is led into sin without my intense concern.”

Spiritual leaders are focused on others, it is an outward position of seeking the best for others, above self. No one knew or demonstrated this better than Jesus. From giving up the glory He had with the Father to giving up His life on the cross, Jesus was concerned about sin: yours and mine.

Consider the impact on people around us when we demonstrate concern for the sinful activity that permeates our world.

The task is not easy, but one that makes a lasting and eternal difference.

A Contrast in Leadership

Throughout the Bible we find numerous contrasts made by various people.

Jesus talked about the contrast of light and darkness, building on sand or the rock, dividing the saved from the lost.

James talked about the rich and poor, wisdom from above with earthly, natural, and demonic wisdom.

Paul also contrasted the flesh and spirit, the strong from the weak, along with life and death.

These are only a few of the contrasts seen throughout the New Testament.

Our leadership needs to be strikingly different from everything else. When the Word is our foundation, Jesus our Lord, God our Father, and heaven our focus, then our leadership will be strikingly different.

Disciplined Leaders…Part 2

The bigger picture of discipline focuses on the importance of understanding “self-discipline.” Scripture emphasizes the necessity of discipline. Paul spoke of fathers disciplining their children, God disciplining those whom He loves, and the need to discipline our own bodies.

Examining areas that shape the development of discipline in our lives, we find the need to challenge and eliminate excuses.

Whether we talk about leaders or followers, there is a great tendency to make excuses why we are not involved or accomplishing a task, “I would, but…”

We cannot allow excuses to hinder us from achieving the greatness God will accomplish through us.