Tag: Plan

Dealing with Failure…

When leaders fail, trust and respect are lost. The task before leaders is learning how to regain what they lose.

Consider three negatives: 

  1. Do not try to ignore or deny failure. 
  2. Do not attempt to cover up the failure.
  3. Never blame someone else for it.

Instead, four positives are needed: 

  1. Admit the failure. 
  2. Specify the failure. 
  3. Ask for forgiveness.
  4. Give a step by step plan for overcoming the failure.

More could be considered, but a simple upfront approach is where healing begins.

Leaders and Followers…

A blueprint provides exact details for any structure. The greater the detail, the better the opportunity it will last. However, this only happens when the blueprint is followed. Deviating from the blueprint increases the chances for disaster.

Good leaders are good followers. Jesus exemplified this principle, as did the apostles and early Christians.

If we are unable to follow the blueprint, can leadership achieve success?

When someone decides they know a better way than following the plan of our Lord, problems are on the horizon.

The better we follow the blueprint our Lord has provided, the greater our success as leaders in the kingdom.

A Devoted Leader…

The Greek word translated “devoted” carries the idea of “insisting on staying close to someone or something.”

What does that mean for spiritual leaders? It means they will…

…insist on staying close to people. A leader’s devotion to people means they learn their needs and assist them, especially to heaven.

…insist on staying close to the plan. The plan is the map. Leaders must not deviate from the plan, or the goal is unreachable.

…insist on staying close to the Lord. Leaders know the true source of their strength is not in themselves, but the Lord.

A leader’s devotion provides a foundation to great achievement.