Tag: Position

Suffering Leaders

Jesus suffered on numerous occasions at the hands of religious leaders who sought to eliminate this threat to their position and power.

The ultimate suffering, however, did not come at their hands, even though they instigated the procedure.

Jesus would encounter suffering beyond imagination, as He was beaten, ridiculed, mocked with a crown of thorns, spit upon, scourged, and nailed to a cross at the hands of Rome.

Suffering is not often seen as greatness, rather a stumbling block and foolishness. To those who are saved, however, it is the power of God.

The higher we go in leadership the greater the sacrifice we must make.

More to Leadership…

We have all heard the offer for a product followed up with, “But wait, there’s more.” At this point the offer is usually doubled.

We always find a great deal associated with leadership, “But wait, there’s more.” 

Leadership is more than power.
Leadership is more than position.
Leadership is more than a title.
Leadership is more than influence.

There will always be more regarding spiritual leadership. If we approach the task with humility and love, we can realize growth in the church and bring glory to our God.

But wait, there’s more! 

If we act now, more souls will enjoy the beauty of heaven. Think Souls!

Positional Leadership…

One of the great myths of leadership is the positional myth, i.e. “I cannot lead unless I have a position, or once I have a position then I will be able to lead.”

While we do not have to have a position to lead, this position comes with a responsibility. Spiritual leaders are positioned with a responsibility, a responsibility to help others…

…understand there is hope for the future.
…reach their full potential in spiritual maturity.
…obtain their eternal inheritance.

Several years ago, I heard this equation: ability + opportunity = responsibility. After some thought, doesn’t it sound like a good position?