Tag: Pressure


Pressure carries multiple meanings: 1) continuous physical force exerted on or against an object, 2) the use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation, and 3) an attempt to persuade or coerce someone.

There is no doubt leadership comes with a strong element of pressure.

While we need to prepare the next generation, we may find that we can learn from them.

Learn to relieve pressure through activity.

Create expectations that are achievable.

Break the big chunks into smaller ones and focus on one at a time.

Never forget that trials in life serve to perfect us into the people God wants and needs.

Nervous or Excited?

Simon Sinek claims everyone deals with situations where they face pressure. The tendency is to think they are nervous. The body reacts with an increased heart rate, tension, and maybe sweaty palms. Interestingly, these same reactions occur when we get excited.

The difference involves learning to interpret the signs through another type of lens. Instead of thinking we are nervous, we need to view it as a level of excitement.

The mental exercise of retraining the way we view and think about the situation requires a little time, but creates a powerful approach to the pressures that exist and how we move ahead.

The Loneliness of Leading

One of the most frightening places to be is alone. The thought of dealing with stress, challenges, and trials alone is less than appealing.

Elijah stood on Mount Carmel in the power and glory of God, yet in the next chapter flees in fear at the threat of a wicked queen. While talking to God, he expresses the depression of being alone. Elijah needed to know God was there all along.

With the pressures in leadership, the weight of family responsibility (physical and spiritual), and the struggles that challenge our faith, we can begin to feel alone.

We need a gentle reminder, “You are not in this alone.”

Pressure in Leadership…

Pressure has multiple meanings: 1) Continuous physical force exerted on an object, 2) Persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make or coerce someone to do something.

There is no doubt leadership comes with strong elements of pressure.

How do leaders handle pressure when it arises?

The best place to begin is with fervent prayer.

Learn to relieve pressure through activity. Exercise is a start.

Create expectations that are achievable and realistic.

Break big chunks into smaller ones and focus on one at a time.

Never forget the purpose of perfecting us into the people God wants and needs us to be in His service.

The Pressure of Leading…

What creates pressure? Confrontation? Health problems? Finances? Family issues? Spiritual conflict?

Why do we feel pressure? Fear? Guilt? Regret? Conviction?

Leaders will always face pressure. Spiritual leadership further increases this pressure because of the eternal consequences weighed in the balance of each decision.

However, when the fear of pressure prevents us from dealing with issues, we are only delaying greater pressure with graver consequences.

As the song encourages, “Rise up O men of God! Have done with lesser things. Give heart and mind and soul and strength to serve the King of kings.”

Accept that pressure exists, but address it with biblical focus.