Tag: Psalm 1

Godly Counsel…

We are urged not to walk in the counsel of the wicked in Psalm 1. Later in the Psalms, David expresses the need to wait for the counsel of the Lord, because His counsel endures forever.

Leadership should always provide counsel based on the word of God. When leaders provide godly counsel, several beautiful things occur. 

1) God is glorified.

2) His people are built up in the faith.

3) Leadership is strengthened in righteousness. 

4) The future is secured.

Let leaders learn today from the example of Joshua (Jos. 9), then pursue and provide godly counsel.

Blessed Leadership

The idea of blessed is key throughout the Psalms. 

Psalm 1 begins with it and the thoughts expressed have great significance when applied to leadership.

First, leaders must be careful where they go and who they listen to regarding their responsibility.

Second, the heart and success of leadership are the result of following the path provided by God.

Third, the contrast indicates there are consequences when one fails to follow the righteous way.

Leaders have an opportunity to lead others on the right path. The responsibility is great, but the rewards of a fruitful life and eternal prosperity are worth the price.