Tag: Purpose

What If…Part 3

What would life be like if we took out the “if factor”?

Think about the following questions.

Do we limit the power of God by the boundaries we create in our own mind?

Do we believe God has the power to do far beyond all we ask or think according to the power that works within us?

What do we hinder God from doing when we place limitations on Him?

What could God do through you and me as leaders if our faith was greater?

When we believe that God can and will accomplish His purpose, in spite of us, maybe we would stop thinking small and start thinking big!

Two Questions

Two words with three letters each. The most powerful questions to be considered.

The first is why? The implication is to determine the purpose behind decisions being made and actions taken.

Why does this task require leadership?
Why should we pursue this direction?
Why is this work important?
Why is this the best course of action?

The second is how? Once we understand the purpose, we must determine how we will fulfill it.

How do I become a better leader?
How will we accomplish the task?
How should we handle obstacles?
How can we get others involved?

Nothing could be stronger from a spiritual perspective.

Our Drive and Purpose

Start With Why, by Simon Sinek, discusses the importance of our WHY in life and leadership. Before we can explore HOW and WHAT in relationship to both, we need to understand WHY.

Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

We recognize HOW leaders can inspire others to take action. When they know WHY, they possess a drive and purpose in life that is unstoppable.

If we truly want to eliminate the impossibility factor, then we need to communicate WHY to those we lead. When that happens, look out!


Joseph endured adverse circumstances: rejection, slavery, temptation, false accusations, wrongful imprisonment, and forgotten.

HOWEVER, the entire account teaches us wonderful lessons about spiritual leadership.

No matter what happens, God is always with us. Throughout we find the phrase, “and God was with him.”

Remember God is always working toward a greater purpose. Joseph trusted God to be at work saving Israel, not just his own well-being.

Faithfulness will exult an individual and a nation. Joseph was eventually elevated to power over all of Egypt, which ultimately saved God’s people.

If we can learn these lessons, our leadership will move in the right direction.

A Divine Mission

A mission refers to an objective or purpose to be achieved. What is our mission? What is our objective or purpose? What are we really trying to achieve? Do we have a mission?

Sadly, as spiritual leaders, our mission often becomes more about what we want to achieve, rather than what God wants us to achieve.

Extremism occurs when dealing with party issues, petty ideas, or personal opinions. These become our focus and we lose sight of God’s mission.

Leaders must remain balanced. They must believe in the priority of God’s mission.

May we always lead God’s people in unity and work together to fulfill His mission.

Showing Up

At one time or another, we all feel a little less than our best. During these times our energy levels are lower and we are not on top of our game. We do not feel well and we are unmotivated to work

Jerry West once said, “You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good.”

How can we show up when we do not feel as good as other days?

Remember our purpose.
Put one foot in front of the other.
Focus on the goal.
Remain dedicated to finish.

Leadership motivates us to show up everyday!

Finish Well

Endurance is a powerful sentiment for leadership. Endurance also points to the nature in which one finishes.

Yes, we are all aware it is not about finishing first, but it is about finishing well. Years ago the phrase was coined, “Finish like a runner.” No matter how slow the pace is during the race, when it comes to finishing the race, finish like a runner, finish strong.

In leadership circles, the idea of finishing well is used to indicate the need to avoid the point of abandoning the faith and the purpose for which we lead.

Let us finish, but let us finish well.

Finding Value

The world finds meaning, value, and purpose in what we do (success, acts of kindness or generosity, etc.), what others think or say about us, and what we have (health, good family, material possessions, etc.).

The challenge is recognizing the balance of thinking too highly or too lowly of ourselves. We need proper perspective.

Our value comes from God. We were created in His image. We are His beloved. When we understand this, we will stop looking for value from any other source.

Leadership requires an ability to find the right perspective on self-value, but also to help others gain the needed perspective of their own value.

God’s Narrative

A narrative is a representation of a particular situation or process in such a way as to reflect or conform to an overarching set of aims or values.

This definition reflects a connection of our leadership within the sphere of God’s overarching aims and values.

Our narrative is written within the greater narrative of God, His design and purpose for our lives.

When we connect these events and see the providential working of God throughout the activities of our life, we understand more fully the need to plug in, and allow God to work through us for His greater purpose.

Reflection of a Leader

Have you looked in the mirror lately? The idea of looking into a mirror dates back to Biblical times.

Mirrors reflect the image standing before it. The concept can be literal or symbolic, physical or spiritual. James writes about the need to look into God’s word like a mirror and see how it is reflected in our lives.

Spiritual leaders need to desperately look into the mirror of their leadership. The image reflected helps determine the core of our existence and what we desire to accomplish.

Look intently. Examine beyond the surface. Make the changes needed. Lead with purpose based upon true reflection.