Tag: Refuge

Refuge of Home

Our children are influenced from a very young age. Our influence is far greater than we can imagine, until we see and hear the expressions of our influence expressed by our children.

Because this is true, as parents we need to give serious consideration to the words and activities expressed in our own lives.

We need to set the kind of standard we are comfortable seeing expressed in the lives of our children. We face enough challenges in battling the worldly influence surrounding us.

Use the home as a refuge that is sanctified by the teachings of God’s word.


Regardless of how long someone has been involved in leadership, there will always be times when leaders need to retreat to a place of refuge, a place of solitude where they find peace.

Also, leaders need a style of leadership that allows others who follow the opportunity to find that place of safety, a place where they can trust in their leadership to provide security.

Even Jesus knew the value of a refuge.

Let us focus on these truths as the foundation for our own leadership.

Trusting God’s Leadership…

One of the common themes throughout the Psalms encourages God’s people to seek refuge and trust in Him. Notice the thought expressed in Psalm 118, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.”

When we trust in ourselves, we can easily become frustrated with our lack of abilities.

When we trust in others, we often become disillusioned to the role of humanity.

Overall, leaders must set the example of trust and dependence upon God. We must learn to trust with all our heart and seek refuge in Him, rather than ourselves or others.

A Refuge for Leaders…

God is our strength and refuge. As such, He is an ever present help when we face trouble.

When the trouble is one of loss: a friend, family member, position, possession, or health, God is our help, but where does this help come from?

From His word. Throughout scripture we find strength, comfort and guidance.
Through prayer. Scripture instructs us to cast all our cares upon Him, because He cares.
From others. One of the best ways leadership is demonstrated is helping those in need.

We receive a great peace from God when we apply these areas during times of trouble.