Tag: Relationship


Friendship is a beautiful relationship of mutual trust and support.

I have witnessed the powerful effects of true friendship. Such mutual trust and support is unmatched.

Leadership is not always seen from the perspective of friendship. Leadership is often accompanied by loneliness. We often hear the idea expressed, “It’s lonely at the top.”

While this may be true in many corporate or political settings, it does not have to be true in every situation.

When leaders develop relationships of mutual trust and support, friendships blossom and provide a source of strength and encouragement for addressing all challenges.


Spiritual leaders are dependent upon God’s guidance, direction, strength, and provisions. Spiritual leaders are also aware that followers are dependent upon them for the same.

Guidance involves advice and instruction for the conduct and behavior of life.

Direction shows the way, primarily the way to the final destination.

Strength is needed to get up and keep moving toward the goal.

Provisions are given to continue the journey, even when all else seems to fail.

The role is never taken lightly. It is critical to building a solid foundation that supplies the basic components for growth in relationship with God.


For most, change can be an ugly word and, if done improperly, it is destructive.

Not all change is good, but not all change is bad either.

Change is essential in our relationship with God.

Change begins in the mind. Without explaining why the change is needed, attempts to bring change are futile.

A change of mind is followed by a change of action. Once we understand why we need to change, our actions should reflect the benefit of such knowledge.

Jack Welch said, “If the rate of change inside an organization is less than the rate of change outside the organization…their end is in sight.” Think about it.

Unsuspecting Leadership

When leadership exists without the suspicion of motives and actions on the part of followers, a environment exists described as unsuspecting leadership.

When a leader’s character exemplifies the kind of integrity that is built on values of godliness, then the motives and actions of the leader are not questioned by followers.

The beauty of biblical leadership is found when both ideas are present in the relationship. The result displays trust, not a trust that is superficial, but one that provides transparency and strengthens the core of the church.

Developing this relationship takes time. Quality and durability are rarely the reward of implementing something quickly.


We communicate with God through prayer. Our approach to God is significant when thinking about prayer. Consider the apostles who desired to learn how to pray (Lk. 11:1).

We need reverence when approaching God’s throne to speak. Without a doubt, He is to be revered and lifted up by our hearts through the words expressed from our lips.

However, this is not the only approach found in scripture, and the model prayer was not intended to be a formula used in every prayer.

Prayer signifies a relationship and leaders need to understand more fully the relationship represented through prayer.


Peace is often associated with the absence of conflict, but the Hebrew word shalom and the Greek word eirênê both carry the idea of wholeness and harmony.

Kenneson points out that promotion of individualism strikes at the heart of achieving biblical peace, and the privatization of faith takes individualism even further. Many speak of a “personal relationship with Jesus,” meaning one’s own “private” relationship.

Perhaps this explains why so many “self-professed Christians believe they can be perfectly good Christians apart from the church” (92).

Compartmentalizing life, defending personal rights, and sanctioning violence are a few of the ways peace is attacked.

Incorporating baptism, encouraging, edifying, admonishing, and forgiving one another are a few ways to support biblical peace.

A Prerequisite for Leadership…

What prerequisites are needed for successful leadership? Good communicator? Solid character? Leadership ability?

While I realize choosing one prerequisite for leadership can be subjective, I have learned over the years the main prerequisite needed is a relationship with God.

Leaders often fail when attempting to go it alone.
Leaders blindly falter when leading from a humanistic worldview.
Leaders suffer needlessly because they seek help from worldly wisdom.

Only with the guidance, strength, and help of the Almighty God can we lead with this foundational prerequisite for successful leadership. Do we know Him?

A Motive To Lead…

People lead for different reasons. At times, the situation (crisis) demands someone lead.

However, selfish ambition motivates far too many. The desire to personally benefit from a position of power is appealing in both the secular and spiritual arena. 

When people lead with the right motives, the result is powerful.

Developing this motive consists of three components.

1) Personal and familial relationship with Christ. 
2) Understanding scripture, both the milk and meat of God’s word.
3) Compassion for people’s eternal condition, saved and lost.

These help us check and develop the motive godly leaders should possess.