Tag: Righteousness

Essence of Leadership

What is the essence of your leadership?

When others consider that indispensable quality that determines your character, how would they describe your leadership?

Is there any substance to the fundamental qualities of your leadership?

The essence of leadership needs to be built upon the ideas expressed by David when asking the questions connected to dwelling with God in Psalm 15: the one “who walks with integrity, works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart.”

We often focus on the ideas of integrity, righteousness, and truth.

However, the idea behind walks, works, and speaks is significant to who a leader is, not just what they do.

Godly Counsel

Proverbs 27:9 says, “A man’s counsel is sweet to his friend.”

Leadership should always provide a source of counsel that is based on God’s word, designed to provide guidance to spiritual success and an eternal reward.

When leaders provide godly counsel, several beautiful things occur: 1) Above all, God is glorified; 2) His people are built up in faith; 3) leadership is strengthened in righteousness; and 4) the future is secured.

The consequences of not seeking wise counsel can be seen in the life of Joshua (Jos. 9). Let leaders learn from his example, then pursue and provide godly counsel.


The opposite of truthfulness leads in one direction: deception.

Leaders need to not only be truthful in relationship to followers, they need to be truthful with themselves.

Leaders are challenged to be honest enough with themselves to make the kind of decisions that demonstrate integrity.

Being truthful with the direction we should take may not always align with our initial choice.

Being truthful with those invested in following will not allow us to be self-centered.

Being truthful with God will always lead in paths of righteousness.

Be careful not to allow good intentions to validate pretentious actions. Be truthful with yourself, others, and God in all areas.


How do you want others to remember you? If you know the nature of words you want spoken when you leave this earth, it is vital to live that way now.

The good you want others to remember does not happen by accident, but it involves the effort you put forth now to make a difference in the lives of others.

Engrave on the hearts of those who know you the type of words and actions that demonstrate your love and care.

Leadership involves a special role and when we lead others in the way of integrity, righteousness, and truth. The legacy lives on in future generations.

The Power of Truthfulness

The opposite of truthfulness leads in one direction – deception.

Leaders must be truthful with followers and with themselves.

One of the greatest challenges for leaders is to be honest enough with themselves to make the kind of decisions that demonstrate their integrity.

Being truthful with the direction we should take may not always align with our initial plans.

Being truthful with those who are invested in following will not allow us to be self-centered.

Being truthful with God will always lead in paths of righteousness.

Leaders must be careful not to allow good intentions to vindicate pretentious actions.

Be truthful with self, others, and God in all areas.

Rise Above

We are all familiar with phrases like, “Don’t sweat the small stuff” or “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” John Burroughs said it this way, “Rise above the little things.”

Jesus also emphasized this thought with a bit of a twist when He taught us not to worry about food, drink, or clothing, but to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness (Mt. 6:25-33).

The challenge before leaders is determining the difference between the big and little things. When we understand the matters that are trivial, we can implement ways to rise above them and focus on matters of greater significance.

Honest Leadership

Honesty is critical to leadership, but not all leaders are honest. At times, they tend to tell “half-truths.”

Biblically, we know the necessity of honesty as a Christian virtue. Therefore, the application of honesty in biblical leadership is a natural reflection of what is expected by God and others.

Honesty is characterized in the words of David, describing the the power of biblical leadership in the one who “walks with integrity, and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart” (Ps. 15:2).

The emphasis of David provides a platform for leaders, describing both who they are and what they do.

A Righteous Leader…

Righteousness is a biblical word that speaks to our relationship with God and others.

David addressed the character of one who understands both relationships when he said, “He works righteousness” (Ps. 15:2).

We must hunger and thirst for righteousness (Mt. 5:6), our righteousness must exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees (Mt. 5:20), and we must seek first His righteousness (Mt. 6:33).

The guide for life, food for our soul, ethical character, and our priorities are framed by Jesus.

God should trust and the world should know that our choices are righteous. Start by asking, “Is it right with God?”

The Essence of Leadership…

Essence is the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something––especially something abstract––that determines its character.

The idea raises questions and ideas.

What is the essence of our leadership? Is there any substance to our leadership?

David talks about one “who walks with integrity, works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart” (Ps. 15:2).

The idea behind walks, works, and speaks describes more than just actions. David is talking about who someone is on the inside.

Godly leaders know that character may be defined by their activities, but ultimately it is who they are on the inside that moves others to follow.

A Godly Leader…

The Bible often speaks of being set apart, or holy. David emphatically claimed we should “…know that the Lord has set apart the godly man for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him.”

This is such a powerful thought. God has taken action toward the godly for Himself, which highlights a special relationship between God and the godly. The result is followed by activity.

Tremble…and do not sin.
Meditate…and be still.
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness.
Trust in the Lord.

The combination of these four areas provides a powerful foundation for the success of a godly leader.