Strategic Leadership…

Director of Strategic Leadership at the University of Tennessee, Dr. Kate Atchley, requires each student to answer the following questions.

Where are you as a leader?
What kind of leader do you want to be?
What is the gap between these two points?
What kind of plan needs to be developed to bridge the gap?

This type of self-evaluation is essential for advancing a strategic plan in leadership development. While the assessment is part of a business leadership model, the spiritual application has powerful implications.

We need to ask, “Are we bridging the gap between where we are and where we want (or perhaps need) to be?”

The Challenge of Choice…

The issue of choice plagues us. Walk down the isle of any store and consider the choices available on a product of your choosing. At times, it becomes overwhelming to determine exactly what is needed.

A study of leadership reveals the challenge of choices. The choices made by leaders make the difference in success or failure, so what choice(s) should be made?

Sadly, many choices are made by trial and error. Only after the results of the choice are seen do we make additional choices toward an appropriate direction.

Nothing is more significant than leading others to make a choice about their eternal destiny.

Unlimited Leadership…

The power of the mind is amazing. However, a Chinese proverb says, “Limitations are but the boundaries we place in our minds.”

The Old Testament account of the ten spies demonstrates this limitation. How they saw themselves kept them from seeing how God would lead them to victory.

Denis Waitley said, “It’s not who you are that holds you back. It’s who you think you’re not.”

Leaders are held back, not because they lack ability, but they see themselves as incapable of accomplishing the task.

We must recognize who God is and all He will do through the power that works within us.

Thirsting for God…

A thought expressed throughout the Psalms is thirsting for God. One of the most common analogies is the song, “As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants for You, O God.”

The various qualities, principles, axioms, and requirements for good leadership all carry a significant weight in leadership development.

In the spiritual arena, the key to true leadership is based on thirsting for God.

The idea of thirsting involves a need, want, craving, an insatiable desire. Do we understand this thought when considering a spiritual application?

When a relationship with God is characterized by thirsting, leaders strengthen their leadership.

Leadership Instant Replay…

Instant replay slows down the action to examine every angle of a tackle or pass, a pitch or batter’s swing, a three point shot or gliding slam dunk, and the same is true with other events.

Think about a leadership instant replay.

How would it change our leadership if we could review our words and actions? 

What would the future look like if we could carefully examine each play?

While we cannot change the past, we can evaluate and make changes. Learn from mistakes of the past. Recognize warning signs. Think before speaking and acting, especially if angry.

In some ways, it is a leadership instant replay.

Grateful Leaders…

Two of the most unused, yet needed and powerful words, are “thank you,” but why should leaders be thankful.

Leaders should express gratitude because…

1) God placed them in this position to glorify Him.
2) The opportunity to influence others for Jesus is the greatest work on earth.
3) Hope is the message provided through godly leaders.
4) Others trust leaders to show them the way.
5) Leadership makes a difference on an eternal scale. 

Leaders must recognize why they should be thankful as much as the action of showing gratitude.

Our God is great who has given us leaders!

Developing Leaders…

Randy Reese and Robert Loane suggest four elements as the groundwork for developing leaders: 1) a deepening work, 2) a particularizing work, 3) a hospitable work, and 4) a patient work. 

An especially noteworthy element involves the deepening work that focuses on growing leaders. 

Leadership development must dig below the surface to honor people by listening to how they talk about their lives, contexts, and future dreams. 

Above all, people need to know there is hope. Without hope, people loose focus on developing as leaders.

What are we doing today to ensure the development of leaders for the future?

Leading with Confidence…

Leaders need confidence. Napoleon Hill says, “The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going.”

Leaders must possess a strong consistency in character. This lesson is not new.

For leaders to build a relationship of trust, their character must be defined by consistency, which may be one of the truest qualities connected to integrity.

When leaders demonstrate consistency in their words and actions, they can lead with confidence. Ultimately, both should be guided by the teachings of God’s word.

Committed to Lead…

David expresses the need to be silent before God and praise Him. He then says, “And to You the vow will be performed.”

A vow indicates one who enters an agreement, which they are committed to fulfill. 

Performed indicates that when the vow is paid it completes the agreement so that both parties are in a state of peace (Theological Wordbook of the OT).

A leaders first responsibility is to God first and then to those they lead. They must be committed to fulfill the responsibility to which they have entered as leaders.

When they do, both parties enjoy a state of peace.

How Did We Use Our Time?

Today marks the beginning of a new month and, hopefully, positive steps toward the end of a pandemic.

Have you wondered where the time went? 

Perhaps a more pertinent question is, “What did we do with the time to influence lasting change in the lives of others?”

We should ask ourselves, “Did we introduce someone to Jesus? Did we provide a greater influence for the kingdom?”

Although the pandemic may not be completely over, we must always think about our influence and how we lead others.