
We make thousands of decisions every day. Generally, the majority of decisions have little or no consequential value. However, some decisions carry long-lasting, if not eternal, consequences.

Theodore Roosevelt said, “In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

When the moment of decision arises, leaders must do the right thing, primarily what is right for the other person.

Regardless of the reason, to do nothing in leadership paralyzes everyone. Closely associated with this problem is the unnecessary delay in the decision.

The Sound of Leadership

What does leadership sound like? Maybe it is the quiet voice of someone expressing their love. We might find it sounds like the loud and boisterous voices of children or grandchildren working, laughing, or playing together. It is possible we hear leadership in the form of authoritative instructions directed by a superior. We may also find the sound of leadership in the silence of the moment.

The point is simple: Leadership may sound differently to each individual and within a particular moment.

The effort we put forth to actively listen for the sounds of leadership brings rewards that benefit the development of our leadership influence.

Time and Energy

When the only value people feel they provide for an organization is from a financial perspective, then the long-term structure crumbles. We all desire to know that the time and energy we contribute to growth has value, not just financially.

If we can incorporate the same into our spiritual leadership, the response is the same. Consider the benefit to the church when Christians see leaders give of their time and energy. The result is huge in raising the level of trust and the desire to achieve the vision set forth by leaders.

Unsuspecting Leadership

When leadership exists without the suspicion of motives and actions on the part of followers, a environment exists described as unsuspecting leadership.

When a leader’s character exemplifies the kind of integrity that is built on values of godliness, then the motives and actions of the leader are not questioned by followers.

The beauty of biblical leadership is found when both ideas are present in the relationship. The result displays trust, not a trust that is superficial, but one that provides transparency and strengthens the core of the church.

Developing this relationship takes time. Quality and durability are rarely the reward of implementing something quickly.


Forgiveness is unique, meaning to “send away.” When God forgives, He sends our sin away. As David wrote, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Ps. 103:12).

While the arsenal needed to get through this life includes listening to God (study) and speaking with God (prayer), the promise of His strength keeps us focused. This is how we learn contentment, as Paul identified, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).

When leaders learn to practice the difficult task of forgiveness, their ability to influence others increases.


Life is filled with opportunities. We may choose to pass or act on an opportunity. The possibility also exists that we will neither pass or act on an opportunity because we fail to see it.

Whether we see an opportunity or fail to see it, what a blessing to know God works in our lives daily. He provides us with opportunities to grow closer to Him, recognize the beauty of His handiwork, develop a stronger faith, help and encourage others, love family and friends, work and earn a living, remember those who changed our lives, and the list is unending.

Opportunities abound if we look.


Social media has redefined the way we think about friends. A friend is far more than someone who likes, comments on, or shares a link. The thought of having hundreds or thousands as friends through social media is a farce.

Knowing a few who are close friends is a great blessing in life. Many definitions of a friend exist. One that resonates with most says, “A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”

For those people in our life that are true friends, today and everyday, we give thanks.


Spiritually, we are blessed by God to share in the fellowship of a spiritual family, His church. The beauty of this relationship is our oneness, regardless of the color, age, gender, nationality, educational background, or social status. In God’s family none of these matter. What matters is our relationship with God through Christ.

Physically, we are also blessed to have those we love and who love us. Our physical family is not always biological in nature. Whatever the bond that brings us together, there is something special about family. All of our relatives make us uniquely our own. We may not always agree, but we have each other.


On one hand, we compare ourselves with people below us to feel better about ourselves. We develop a bit of arrogance thinking we are better than others.

On the other hand, we compare ourselves with people above us and our pride crumbles. We never measure up. We feel as though we will never amount to anything.

Both ideas are dangerous. Someone once said, “You will never fully believe in yourself if you keep comparing yourself to everyone else.”

God made us unique. He does not expect, nor does He want, us to be someone else. He simply asks us to follow the example left by our Savior.


Leaders need to be consistent in every area of life.

When there is a purpose that drives our life, we then align our words and actions with that purpose.

From this point, we develop greater consistency because there is a purpose behind our thoughts, which become our words, which influence our actions.

In our homes, neighborhood, on our jobs, or anywhere we go, people recognize consistency.

Consider the definition: “An attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible from the axioms contradict one another.”

I thought you might like to ponder that thought for a while 🙂