The Influence of One

At times, a phrase or thought can evoke a well-house of emotions and strength.

We possess the mental fortitude to influence direction, situations, and the lives of others, but we often do not follow through because we think it will not make a difference. After all, what difference can one person make?

History records the powerful influence one person can have on the world.

We must allow God to use us as that influence in our context. We can be that one!

Imagine the impact when leaders work together in the church to influence the direction of the world.

Better Leadership

One of the key words to the book of Hebrews is better. We live under a better covenant, based on better promises, because of a better sacrifice, the sacrifice of Jesus Himself.

The result is obviously a better hope for the future.

What does all this mean for leaders?

When we examine our leadership character, attitude, work ethic, practice, or presence, can we say it is better than previously?

When we consider the development of those who follow our leadership, would it be said they are better today than yesterday?

Are we willing to do what it takes to make it better?

The Future of Leadership

Leading is about the future. From a spiritual perspective, nothing is more important than what the eternal future holds.

However, on a more pragmatic level, leaders need to consider what the future of their leadership looks like.

Will the future hold growth and development for the church or will we be stagnant?

Will our vision point to a future where leadership is stronger or will leadership decline?

Asking questions can be unending. Yet, in the end, we must consider the necessity of planning today to ensure the future of growth and stronger leadership.

To do so, requires us to have a vision for it!

Practice the Pause

Lori Deschene once said, ”Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll later regret.”

How often do we fail to think before we speak, only to wish later we could take back our words?

From a leadership perspective, learning to practice the pause makes all the difference. When we stop to think and gather all the information possible before speaking or deciding, we can see more clearly the best direction for both.

The result leads to better decisions, which strengthens credibility in our leadership.

Power of Positive Thinking

The concept of positive thinking is not new for anyone. However, developing the mind of leadership requires us to consider the influence of our attitude on everyone around us.

Sadly, at some point we will deal with those who are critical and negative. They look for ways to put others down or criticize. We could spend several posts to discuss why, but that is not the point.

We must remember to utilize our strength and courage to believe in ourselves and use negativity or criticism in a way that becomes positive in an effort to achieve our plans.

This characterizes the power of our leadership.


Few things are more important for life and leadership than respite, a time of rest. Consider…

Respite is not an extended vacation.
Although an extended vacation might be helpful and needed, the idea involves a shorter period to recoup.

Utilize the time to its fullest potential. The intent behind this suggestion means we need to remove or set aside obstacles that might distract our rest: cell-phone, laptop, television, etc.

Focus on a greater source of strength.
A moment in prayer to seek help from God to provide strength would be a powerful start.

Leaders rarely take time to focus on respite, but it will make a difference.

God’s Design for Leadership

God’s design involves the necessity of leadership in the home, church, and world. The foundation, however, that motivates us to establish leadership in each area narrows down to this one point: eternity matters.

Why would God’s design include the role of leadership within the home, church, and world? Because God knows eternity matters.

He understands the brevity of our life on this earth. He longs to share what He has prepared for us.

If we could wrap our minds around this great truth, eternity matters, our entire perspective just might change and the direction for every area of our life would become a bit more urgent.

Igniting Passion to Lead

People around the world follow someone. Generally, they follow the one that influences them most.

If we reject the responsibility to shine the light of Jesus, who will people follow?

It would seem that the only possibility is the ruler of this world, the one who leads them into darkness.

Are we ready to accept the consequences of such a decision?

Leadership is not an easy task. We are often left vulnerable when we open ourselves up in order to reach out to the world. However, the result of leading others to Christ ignites a passion that drives the future of our leadership, and that of others.

Pray and Prepare

How can we focus on leadership development?

First, we must pray. Recently, it was suggested that the church spend a Sunday evening in prayer for the leaders of our country. While this is needed, should we not be more concerned with praying about leaders for the church? What will become of the church if we have the leaders we want for our country, but have no leaders in the church?

Second, we must be diligent to prepare others to lead. Consider the fact that we diligently prepare, train, and educate leaders in the corporate setting. Somehow, we have not exercised the same diligence in the church, and we are experiencing the consequences.

Preparing More to Lead

The need for leadership continues to be urgent.

While we understand the primary role of elders to involve the work of a shepherd, we also find that part of this role points to the responsibility of maintaining purity in teaching.

However, the lack of leadership development in years past has created a vacuum where the majority of congregations do not have elders and congregations with elders have too few to deal with the challenges.

Most locations recognize the problem, but what should be done? The answer lies in our return to God’s design, which means we need to initiate a plan for encouraging, promoting, and preparing more to lead.