Tag: Savior


The anticipation of an event makes it special.

This idea was expressed by Paul for us as Christians. Several times in his letters to the church, Paul used the phrase, “eagerly anticipating.” Christians eagerly anticipate dwelling in God’s presence eternally.

Our spiritual leadership is built on the foundation of helping others anticipate this same event.

Imagine the moment we first see our God and Savior. Consider the sound of His voice. Think about how incredible it will be when we realize we are there.

I cannot wait! Can you?

Our anticipation is what will make the event so special. It is worth sharing with others.

Qualities of Leading

The Bible provides a list of qualities for men who would serve in the role of a shepherd.

These qualities are in place to provide the necessary shepherding to keep the church pure and healthy.

While all Christians should strive for the applicable qualities, one does not have to possess all these qualities in order to be qualified to lead others.

Remember, leadership is about influence. We are striving to influence others for the cause of Christ. As a Christian, leading others is built on the blood of our Savior.

The stronger our faith becomes, the more our confidence grows, and the greater our influence becomes.

Prescriptive Help

Jim Rohn expresses an incredible thought: “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.”

The basic understanding of a leader is someone who is able to move others from point A to point B.

A biblical development of leadership prescribes the idea of helping those who are outside of Christ (point A) to turn from a self-directed life to obediently follow the Savior (point B).

A key element of this prescriptive help is an education built on biblical truth.

Ambitious Leadership

Defining ambition is not difficult. The difficulty arises when we consider where our ambition lies.

Is our ambition driven by financial security, power, or authority?

Would our ambition be characterized by selfish and physical priorities, or a spiritual focus?

Paul identified an ambition that was spiritually and eternally developed, because we make it our ambition to please the Lord.

When our leadership is driven to please the Lord it changes our approach to every area of life, and the church will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior.


On one hand, we compare ourselves with people below us to feel better about ourselves. We develop a bit of arrogance thinking we are better than others.

On the other hand, we compare ourselves with people above us and our pride crumbles. We never measure up. We feel as though we will never amount to anything.

Both ideas are dangerous. Someone once said, “You will never fully believe in yourself if you keep comparing yourself to everyone else.”

God made us unique. He does not expect, nor does He want, us to be someone else. He simply asks us to follow the example left by our Savior.

Leadership Scars

Most people have scars. They are the result of surgery, an accident, or some foolish activity.

Scars can also be emotional, mental, and spiritual, often left for the same reasons.

What do scars leave behind?

They leave us with a reminder of what caused it.

Scars remind us of pain involved.
Scars show us the incredible wisdom and power of God.
Scars serve as a reminder to be cautious about creating future scars.

The greatest reminder of scars is found in the hands and feet of our Savior. The example that left Him with these scars should always be a reminder of what our leadership is all about.

Seize the Day

People often need a specific day to work on changes in their life. Some start working on better habits in life and others find ways to stop bad ones.

Recognizing the need to improve our lives is a positive step in the right direction.

Is today a new beginning to lead a…

Soul to the light of our Savior?
Straying brother or sister to the family of God?
Deeper study into the truths of God’s word?
More passionate approach to speak with God in prayer?

Whatever the need, every day is a new beginning. Let us achieve spiritual leadership for our Lord in this day.

Micro-Managing Leaders

We all know leaders who micro-manage every area. They want a hand in every intricate part of the project or activity.

They tend to experience fear if something happens they do not control.

We need to rethink the approach we take in leading others for the sake of our Lord and Savior.

We plant and water, remembering that He is the One who will make it grow. If we can focus on doing our part, He will do His!

The challenge enters when we think we are responsible for God’s part and micro-manage our influence in leading others. Trust God to do His part.

Educating Leaders…

The basic understanding of leadership involves moving someone from point A to point B.

Jim Rohn said, “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.”

A biblical leader helps those who are outside of Christ (point A) turn from a self-directed life to obediently follow the Savior (point B). A key element to this prescriptive help is teaching.

The need is urgent and relevant to every soul we encounter daily.

Precious souls need encouragement to pursue the right course, a course to find eternal hope.

Scars to Remember…

Most people have scars, maybe the result of surgery, an accident, or some foolish activity. At times we have emotional, mental, and spiritual scars left for the same reasons.

What do scars leave behind?

First, they remind us of what created the scar.
Second, scars remind us of physical, emotional or spiritual pain.
Third, scars show the incredible wisdom and power of God.
Fourth, scars remind us to be cautious about developing future scars.

However, the greatest reminder for leaders involves those left in the hands and feet of our Savior. These scars should always remind us of what our leadership is all about.