Tag: Self-centered

Leading with Self-Control

Self-control is about mastery over self by becoming a servant.

When we understand the fruit of the Spirit as qualities demonstrated outwardly, towards other people, it can be confusing when we come to self-control. We often see this more inwardly focused.

This is an incorrect assumption. Self-control, like the rest, is to be focused on others, or “others-directed.” I like the term “others-centric.”

It should stand to reason that if we are others-centric we would cultivate the self-control we need, not with self as the focus but with the focus on others.

This quality will not allow us to be self-centered.

The Center of Leadership

What is our center?

When our center as a leader is spiritually motivated, life becomes about demonstrating toward others the qualities of godliness.

As we seek to determine our center here are a few questions to consider.

1) Do we feel inconvenienced by others?

2) Are we motivated by self preservation more than an eternal destination?

3) Are times in prayer, study, and worship more difficult to work into our schedule?

4) Where do we find the most pleasure?

5) Are our words and actions driven by a core that is self-centered or others-directed?

Honestly answering a few questions will help us find our center.

The Power of Truthfulness

The opposite of truthfulness leads in one direction – deception.

Leaders must be truthful with followers and with themselves.

One of the greatest challenges for leaders is to be honest enough with themselves to make the kind of decisions that demonstrate their integrity.

Being truthful with the direction we should take may not always align with our initial plans.

Being truthful with those who are invested in following will not allow us to be self-centered.

Being truthful with God will always lead in paths of righteousness.

Leaders must be careful not to allow good intentions to vindicate pretentious actions.

Be truthful with self, others, and God in all areas.

Selfless Leaders

There is some powerful implication behind this idea for leadership.

We live in such a self-centered world. Our efforts and concerns tend to be primarily structured in a “what’s in it for me” mentality.

The selfish mindset is so subtly developed and so difficult to overcome. Albert Pike said, “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

Our leadership will fail miserably and our legacy devoid of meaning unless we learn the last half of this thought.

All we do should be done for others and the world. This is what truly lasts.


If we were to summarize our leadership in a few words, what would we say? We need to take a few minutes and give some thought to the whole of our leadership.

Could we express it in a word or two, or maybe a sentence or two? Could we summarize our leadership at all?

Would it be “others-centered” or “self-centered?” Spiritually or physically based?

Would the summary be focused on the past, present, or future?

In reality, the fewer words we use the more challenging it can be to summarize our leadership, especially if we try to be accurate.

Truthful Leadership…

The opposite of truthfulness leads in one direction, deception.

Leaders are challenged to be honest enough with themselves to make the kind of decisions that demonstrate integrity.

Truthfulness will not allow us to be self-centered. As leaders, we can fall prey to justifying our actions and convincing ourselves something is true, when in reality it is false. This happens when we neglect to recognize our inward focus.

Leaders must be careful not to allow good intentions to vindicate pretentious actions.

Be truthful with self, others, and God in all areas.

A Centered Leader…

What is our center? Who are we at the core?

A spiritually motivated center demonstrates qualities of godliness toward others, rather than simply developing self.

Determining our center is not as easy as it may sound. Learning to be honest about what we seek in life will help us on this journey. Consider these questions.

1) Do we feel inconvenienced by others?
2) Are we motivated by self-preservation? 
3) Are times in prayer and study difficult to work into our schedule? 
4) Where do we find the most pleasure?
5) Are our words and actions self-centered or others-directed?

Honest answers will help us understand our center.