Tag: Selfish

Serving Others

Lewis Carroll claims that “one of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.”

The approach to life in determining what is in the best interest of someone else must drive our leadership.

Biblically, this idea becomes a common thread throughout many of the individual books written to God’s people.

The mind of Christ involves a humble spirit that seeks to do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but one that regards others as more important than self (Phil. 2:3-5).

This is the heart of leadership. May we always strive to serve.


Biblically, love involves seeking the highest good for the other person. Love cannot be self-directed or direct the actions of others.

When leaders do this, it is generally because of selfish motives.

When leaders truly understand and lead out of love for souls, we find sacrifice and determination to see that others find a way to heaven. A couple of ideas about leading out of love.

Love gives without expecting to receive something in return.
Love seeks opportunity to serve in all situations.
Love desires the best for others, even at the cost of personal comfort.

Lead out of love and know the power it brings to leadership.

The Love to Lead…

Love has multiple meanings. Mostly, love is associated with feelings. When couples first marry, the feelings experienced are associated with their idea of love. Sadly, when those feelings change they begin to think they no longer love the other person.

Biblically, love is intentional, seeking the highest good for the other person. When leaders are self-directed, it is generally because of selfish motives. Again, this is not love.

Love gives without expecting to receive something in return.
Love seeks opportunity to serve in all situations.
Love desires the best for others, even at the cost of personal comfort.

Let us always lead out of love and know the power it brings to leadership.

Leadership Ambition…

Ambition involves a desire to achieve something, usually requiring determination and hard work.

The difficulty arises when we consider where our ambition lies.

Are we ambitious to achieve financial security?

Is our ambition driven by power and authority?

Would our ambition be characterized by selfish and physical priorities?

Or, can we say our ambition is motivated by a spiritual focus?

When our leadership is driven by the kind of ambition that seeks to please the Lord, the church will grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior.