Using Facebook as Leaders…

The reach of Facebook is staggering, but there are lessons to learn about this social media tool.

Be careful about abusing privilege
. Time spent reading posts adds up. A few minutes can translate into a few hours quickly.

Do not forget to live life. Life was not meant to be lived on Facebook. Do not air dirty laundry, express discontent, deal with confrontation, etc.

Use Facebook as a tool. Facebook serves as a great tool for encouragement, edification, and education, if used properly.

Remember our Christian influence.
Our posts influence everyone who read them. Sarcasm, humor, and teasing do not always translate. Be cautious before posting.

Facing Leadership Challenges…

Challenges are an active part of leading. Therefore, it serves leaders well to know how to approach them.

One place to begin is communication.

Google articles on communication in leadership abound. An article from Forbes shares ten secrets about communication in leadership. Let me share two.

1) Speak not with a forked tongue: Communication and character go hand in hand. When leaders demonstrate hypocrisy, people lose trust and will not follow.

2) Speak to groups as individuals: Leaders who establish a personal atmosphere when speaking, build a rapport where a leader is heard.

Check out the Forbes article for more.

Power of Love…

While we often hear that love makes the world go round, I appreciate a saying by Franklin P. Jones, “Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”

Love is the perfect bond of unity.

Love is the greatest among faith, hope and love.

Loving your neighbor as yourself fulfills the royal law.

Perfect love casts out fear.

Love covers a multitude of sins.

Above all, love is demonstrated toward God, then family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, and even our enemies.

When love is the foundation, formation, and finishing of our words and actions, godly leadership is exemplified.

Spiritual Leadership…

The heart of a spiritual leader has resolve. Consider the following.

Spiritual leaders are determined, unwavering in the decided course of action.

Spiritual leaders are purposeful. Nothing is done by accident. They are intentional.

Spiritual leaders are adamant. They cannot be persuaded or distracted by trivial matters.

Spiritual leaders make the decision of courage when they must lead in moments of fear.

Spiritual leaders are unshakable. Leaders are pulled in many directions. However, they cannot be shaken from their foundation.

Evaluating Leadership…

Evaluating 2020 causes confusion at best and concern at worst. It has been quite a year for leaders in every arena. How can we deal with the challenges of leading during such a time as this?

The first step is an awareness of the needs. Unless we can see the need to improve the steps that follow have no value.

The second step is a resolution. Without the resolve to make changes, recognizing the need is only a wish in disguise.

The third step is implementation. The difference-maker is a plan to implement our resolve. How will we accomplish the goal?

Five Leadership Components…

Organization, arrangement, design, forethought, and groundwork are key components in our leadership.

Organization: Organizational success is determined by the strength of its leadership.

Arrangement: The arrangement of each component is critical for development.

Design: The design stage in planning is where dreams unfold into direction.

Forethought: When planning, forethought includes vision, goals, mission, core values, people, and obstacles.

Groundwork: The groundwork is based on the forethought given to the specific nature of planning.

When leaders in the Lord’s kingdom give thought to planning based on these five components, the reality of success occurs at the right time and the right place.

Yesterday and Today…

Between yesterday and today, leaders dream about the future, envision possibilities, and plan ways to achieve greatness in the Lord’s kingdom.

We cannot change the past. We can only learn from it, look ahead, and make the right changes.

Remember three simple principles.

1) No matter where the road leads, God is with us and for us.
2) It is worth whatever the price to leave an example worth emulating.
3) The strength to achieve any task is measured by the desire to succeed.

The moment between yesterday and today is an opportunity to make a difference for tomorrow.

Something Greater…

Improving others is one of the greatest keys to successful leadership. Jim Rohn says, “A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.”

The task before leaders involves developing others into something greater. It’s the idea of genuine love.

When leaders care for and demonstrate love for others, they will always work to serve, placing the needs and desires of others above their own.

Hopefully, along the way, we will encourage the fainthearted, strengthen the mature, and allow both to fulfill what God desires.

The Essence of Leadership…

Essence is the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something––especially something abstract––that determines its character.

The idea raises questions and ideas.

What is the essence of our leadership? Is there any substance to our leadership?

David talks about one “who walks with integrity, works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart” (Ps. 15:2).

The idea behind walks, works, and speaks describes more than just actions. David is talking about who someone is on the inside.

Godly leaders know that character may be defined by their activities, but ultimately it is who they are on the inside that moves others to follow.

Leading with Eager Anticipation…

Although it is October, amazingly enough, people are already counting down the days until Christmas.

Something special exists in the mind of children that creates an eager anticipation for this specific day each year.

As leaders envision the future, they must encourage the same eagerness and anticipation for what is to come spiritually.

Think about Israel’s anticipation for entering the land God promised to give them. God has promised a land far greater for you and me. As we consider entering this glorious place, how much anticipation exists?

We need to eagerly look forward to that day. Let the countdown begin!