Vision and Leadership…

A majority of leaders in the political, educational, corporate and religious arenas quickly admit that vision is essential to leadership.

In construction, leaders demonstrate an ability to see the finished product in their mind. Only when they see it will they follow the blueprint accurately.

Spiritual leaders must do the same. To help Christians reach the goals before them, leaders must first see it in their mind.

Casting this kind of vision helps them stay focused and energized for the journey.

Mistakes are easily made when there is no vision. Solomon wrote, “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained” (Pro. 29:18).

Leaders and Followers…

A blueprint provides exact details for any structure. The greater the detail, the better the opportunity it will last. However, this only happens when the blueprint is followed. Deviating from the blueprint increases the chances for disaster.

Good leaders are good followers. Jesus exemplified this principle, as did the apostles and early Christians.

If we are unable to follow the blueprint, can leadership achieve success?

When someone decides they know a better way than following the plan of our Lord, problems are on the horizon.

The better we follow the blueprint our Lord has provided, the greater our success as leaders in the kingdom.

Lasting Leadership…

Blueprints provide specific dimensions for constructing everything from a tool shed to a mega complex or high rise.

A blueprint outline every detail to ensure the structure will last.

Where can leaders find a blueprint that will benefit them and ensure lasting leadership? The Bible.

Paul points out no human has the power to lay the kind of foundation needed for lasting leadership. Only Jesus can provide that kind of foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11).

From His example we learn the nature, qualities, and character of leadership that God desires for us today.

Prayerful Leadership…

Prayer is a given when it comes to spiritual leadership. We know about prayer. We study about prayer. We talk about prayer. We teach about prayer.

However, do we believe in the power of prayer?

The struggle for many is the temptation to doubt when trials arise to challenge our faith in God’s power to answer…yet again.

When it comes to prayer, there is no magic formula, special words, proper position, or time of day that makes a difference.

Prayer is about the simplicity of a humble heart that trusts God.

We may not always understand, but praying without ceasing is foundational to powerful leadership.

The Right Time for Leading…

When it comes to addressing a delicate situation, timing is everything.

When faced with life changing decisions, timing is everything.

When waiting for answers to test results, timing is everything.

When confronting a family member, coworker, or friend, timing is everything.

God said, “There is an appointed time for everything, and there is a time for every event under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:2-8).

If we can step back and think for a moment and ask ourselves, “Is this the right time to continue in this direction?” then maybe we can handle whatever life throws our way at the right time.

Guardians of the Faith…

Guarding the faith of Christians is not an easy task? The battle is fierce. The danger is great. The opportunities for success may be few. 

However, with God on our side we are assured victory.

Satan works to fill our schedules to overflowing. We get busy with so much stuff we have no time left for eternal matters.

While it is true for each of us individually, we can also get so busy with programs and activities within the church we lose sight of our purpose.

We need balance. When we allow these things to push out the spiritual, Satan can steal our faith. 

We need guardians.

A Leader’s Sharp Edges…

There are many significant thoughts relating to leadership. One of significance comes from Donald Rumsfeld, “Don’t necessarily avoid sharp edges. Occasionally they are necessary to leadership.”

We often go to great lengths to avoid what we consider “sharp edges.” We do not search for those challenges, or recommend them to others. 

While leaders do not like dealing with these edges, they know their value to leadership development. 

Sharp edges exist and we will face them at different times and ways. While we do not look for them, we do not avoid them, but learn from them and allow God to work through them to shape us as His leaders.

The Future of Leadership…

What does the future of leadership look like for the Lord’s church?

Is there an understanding of why this is important for the future?

Are plans being made for the next generation of leaders and how they will lead?

Will the legacy left behind be one of strong leadership?

Who will take the role of preparing these leaders for the time when they are needed?

When will the plans be enacted?

These are only a few questions that deserve consideration, but the answers are vital to knowing the future of God’s kingdom. Are we ready?

Uniformity in Leadership…

Uniformity is based on developing consistency, invariability, stability, and regularity. 

Leaders must demonstrate the consistency of a life lived according what is believed and proclaimed.

The invariability of leading without fail or exception is critical to the success of strong leadership.

Followers need stability. There is something secure about having a rock solid leadership.

The quality of regularity is demonstrated by a leadership that is fixed, unchanging, and unvarying. 

When others can count on their leader, they follow…anywhere, and uniformity is key to leading as God would have us lead today.

A Destructive Tongue…

Guarding a Christian’s faith is difficult for any age and culture. One of the challenges we face is the use of the tongue. 

James says the tongue is an “unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” Remember, he is writing to Christians.

When spiritual leaders participate in gossip, ridicule, or speaking against brothers and sisters, then we can destroy the faith of others.

We must rise up, guard, protect, and overcome his attacks and keep Christians from destroying each other. Whether through Facebook, texting, face to face, talking to others, or some other means, the use of the tongue in such destructive ways should not only be discouraged, but stopped.