Deep Cleaning…

After years of accumulating stuff, there is often a need for deep cleaning. A few trips to a dumpster, a bottle of cleaner, and a few hours of time creates a healthier environment. 

Lessons related to leadership underlie this need.

1) Perception is reality. Consider the perception others have about who we are by the way our home and work area looks. Is it sloppy or neat? Lazy or diligent? Indifferent or serious?

2) Appearance communicates volumes. As difficult as it is to consider, the appearance of our home and work environment communicates priorities, time management, and professionalism.

3) Organization increases morale. Knowing our home and work space is cleaner and organized makes it more exciting to be there. Productivity and influence rise.

With a little deep cleaning, we might find a healthier leadership.

Producing Leaders…

A simple observation indicates that the church is reaping the consequences of little planning over the past 40-50 years for future leaders.

Ralph Nader said, “I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” And John Maxwell said, “If you want to grow, lead followers. If you want to multiply, lead leaders.”

We need to… 

Encourage the young and old to prepare themselves for leadership.

Provide opportunities to learn how to lead.

Mentor leadership within the family and church.

Meeting tomorrow’s needs begins with preparing leaders today.

Disturbing Leadership…

Numerous leadership resources abound in quotes screaming to be heard. One such quote is from Catherine Booth, who said, “There is no changing the future without disturbing the present.”

Think about this thought for a moment. 

The opposite involves maintaining the status quo. Such practices are a death sentence to the development of God’s people.

Too many congregations hold onto methodologies, which were good and helpful in previous generations, but are ineffective in our world today.

Leaders who know how to disturb the present are needed to implement strategies that will change the direction of the church to ensure a solid future for God’s kingdom.

A Balanced Leader…

We live in a world of extremes, either left or right, liberal or conservative, etc.

The result has created division, especially on the spiritual front.

In the midst, we find those who assume the role of the religious elite seeking to point out the error of others and destroy them.

Sadly, social media provides a platform where many carry out their vile and vicious attacks without ever following the biblical approach. 

Worse still, these individuals operate under their “stand for the truth” and never realize how destructive their actions are to the image of Christ in our world. 

We need leaders who understand balance and lead God’s people away from the polarity of a world that does not understand Jesus.


The holidays will soon be upon us.

Most men do not connect to the planning that goes into the activities of the day. However, most women know it is all about the planning.

The menu must be just right (although it is generally the same each year), the perfect ingredients purchased, and the timing involved in the cooking process.

Imagine what would happen if we gave the same attention to planning who we are as a leader, the goals we pursue, and preparing others to reach their potential.

Spiritual leadership must be all about the planning.

Lifelong Development…

Southwest Airlines offers a program called “Rapid Rewards.” The incentive is to fly Southwest Airlines and accumulate points that convert into rewards, i.e. free flights or merchandise.

The marketing terminology appeals to the desire and drive of our culture for the immediate. 

With the use of microwaves, computers, cell phones, and high speed internet, we expect everything in an instant.

Often times, leaders want to take a class, read a book, or search the internet to find everything about leadership. Lifelong development does not appeal.

While immediacy may bring benefits or consequences, we are better served to learn that God shapes us over a lifetime.

Responsible Leadership…

Ability + opportunity = responsibility

Everyone has ability. These abilities fall into categories of natural, acquired, and spiritual (God given). Not everyone has the same ability, thus the design of the church so it will function properly, as God designed it (1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12).

Opportunities are circumstances presenting possibility. We must recognize the possibilities and look for the opportunities God provides.

Therefore, we are responsible to use our abilities, consider the possibilities, and seek the God given opportunities. 

Imagine what God could do through us in changing our community, or maybe the world, if we were to assume such responsibility.

A Chance in a Lifetime Leadership…

Numerous statistics exist related to being a leader.

One report claims that 70-80% of people think they are a leader, yet only 2-3% actually are a leader. Another report claims that 2-3% ever see themselves as a leader.

Leadership is the chance of a lifetime, not because of the glory, glamour, power, or prestige that may be affiliated with leading. More accurately, it is for opposite reasons.

We know the blessings found in Christ. We also know the responsibility of leading others to Him.

When we lead someone from darkness to light and experience the joy of salvation, now that is a chance of a lifetime!

The Human Soul…

Ralph Peters said, “The great paradox of the 21st century is that, in this age of powerful technology, the biggest problems we face internationally are problems of the human soul.”

I do not pretend to understand the big problems of the 21st century, technologically or otherwise. However, spiritual leadership does involve the human soul.

No problem of the human soul can be addressed apart from Jesus. The challenge is to seek, find, and know Him.

The problems of the human soul are not solved with worldly philosophy and the wisdom of men.

The power and wisdom of God, Jesus, make the difference.

The Leader Within…

The activity of leading is often determined by or connected with what a leader does.

While the word “activity” identifies some nature of doing, the basis for doing must be connected to being; it is the leader within.

Learning to understand who we are at the core determines what we do externally as leaders. How do we determine the leader inside?

1) Evaluate core values: integrity, honesty, work ethic, etc.

2) Consider motives behind the current direction.

3) Make decisions based on Biblical principles.

Take a moment to consider how best to examine the heart and develop our leadership from the inside out.