Crossroads of Leadership…

Crossroads is a classic written by Robert Johnson and performed by numerous artists.

Several have tried to explain the meaning of this song. The most revealing involves Johnson’s struggle with loneliness, especially connected to the desperation of finding his way home from an unfamiliar place.

Leadership can certainly be a lonely place and it can also take us into unfamiliar places where we desperately seek our way home.

The result brings us to a crossroads, where we question our leadership. We face challenging decisions.

Spiritually, we constantly face crossroads. The decisions we make in those moments determine salvation or condemnation. Our leadership must serve to help others at the crossroads make the right decisions and find their way home.

Life Worth Leading…

“No one ever finds life worth living—he has to make it worth living.” Unknown

Value in life is really based on what we consider valuable. Leaders cannot make life worth living for themselves or others unless they know what is valuable.

If we place value on what we achieve or obtain in this life, then chances are we will not look back on a life worth living.

However, if we place value on helping make life better for others, seeking the eternal reward of others––starting with our families––then life will be a journey well lived.

Here is where true leadership is found.

Leadership of Children…

Observing children raises an interesting question: “Who really leads who?”

While we might like to think  parents have a powerful influence in the development of these little lives as they grow. However, it is interesting how children lead in their own right.

They know how to get everyone’s attention, and quickly.
They know how to follow.
They know they must learn how to work together with others.
They know the value of love and giving it unconditionally.
They know that unsolicited hugs and good manners usually get them what they want.

Think about leadership. Perhaps observing children can help us all improve in our ability to lead.

Stress and Leadership…

What creates stress in our lives and why does it seem to increase? Three major contributors are age, education and finances. 

It is amazing how these are connected to who we are, which is directly related to what we do, what others say about us, and what we have.

Only when we recognize who we really are can we overcome this misconception. Leadership must help remove this struggle with stress. 

We all face success and failure. Others speak well of us and against us. We also deal with times when we have and do not have things. 

Whatever happens, we must remember we are the beloved of God.

Frustrated Leadership…

What is it that frustrates us the most? While the list is endless, here are a few possibilities. 


Do we get frustrated when we see any or all of the above?

Leadership is not unique when it comes to frustration. Followers get frustrated when they see leadership involved in any of these areas also.

John Maxwell is credited with saying, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” 

It begins with us as leaders to set the example, providing a standard to follow. We must demonstrate patience and understanding in gently leading others to this standard, not condemning or acting condescendingly concerning their actions.