The Center of Leadership

What is our center?

When our center as a leader is spiritually motivated, life becomes about demonstrating toward others the qualities of godliness.

As we seek to determine our center here are a few questions to consider.

1) Do we feel inconvenienced by others?

2) Are we motivated by self preservation more than an eternal destination?

3) Are times in prayer, study, and worship more difficult to work into our schedule?

4) Where do we find the most pleasure?

5) Are our words and actions driven by a core that is self-centered or others-directed?

Honestly answering a few questions will help us find our center.

Bleed the Vision

As leaders cast a vision for the future, goals and plans are established. Morale reaches a pinnacle and we enjoy the anticipation and excitement that builds as we push into the depths of the work and strive to achieve our goals.

What we do the day after the goal is reached makes the greatest impact on future success.

Never forget to celebrate achievement when goals are completed. Celebrate all who contributed to the success.

But…do not lose sight of the vision. As one individual identified, leaders who “bleed the vision” are needed.

The vision extends beyond the goal and keeps everyone focused on our “Why.”

Enthusiastic Leadership

How we approach life comes down to a choice. No one knows how long they have left on this earth.

Doesn’t it make sense that we choose to live each moment to the fullest God intended.

Roald Dahl said, “I began to realize how important it was to be an enthusiast in life. If you are interested in something, no matter what it is, go at it full speed. Embrace it with both arms, hug it, love it and above all become passionate about it. Lukewarm is no good.”

Leaders must demonstrate the choice to live enthusiastically. It is contagious and it changes all who follow.


What motivates you?

The New Testament provides several counter-cultural examples to help us learn the power of motivation.

The motive for being first or greatest in the kingdom is about being a servant of all.

The motive for receiving is based in presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice to the Lord.

The motive for being blessed is about giving to others rather than receiving.

The motive for not forsaking our assembling together is through exciting others to love and good works.

Do we motivate others toward desired interests? Do we set the example based on what motivates us in the same direction?

A Childlike Perspective

Try these steps to make a difference in your leadership.

1) Worry not about tomorrow, it might not come anyway.

2) It is okay to get angry, but make up quickly and play as if it never happened.

3) Stop thinking about the clock. We cannot measure the value of time by it.

4) Live life with anticipation of what we get to do each day.

5) Value the security of knowing someone else is in charge. Thank you, Father.

6) Remember, a good night’s rest depends on living with truth and honesty.

7) Nothing is better than cookies and milk to put a smile on someone’s face.

Scared or Sacred?

Why is leadership so scary? Knowing that leaders deal with answering questions pertaining to goals, plans, maintaining morale, personality conflicts, providing resolution, etc., it does not take long to determine why the ground upon which leadership stands can be a scary place.

How do we overcome scared ground for sacred ground? God will help us overcome many challenges. Prayer helps us reach a more sacred footing rather than a scared one. Studying faithful people, such as in Hebrews 11, will also help us as we approach sacred ground.

It may not seem like much, but it is a start and sometimes getting started is half the battle.

Extraordinary Leadership

As Moses approached the burning bush he was told to remove his sandals because he was standing on holy ground. An ordinary bush became extraordinary because of God’s divine activity. His presence made this ground sacred.

God does the same throughout the Bible, even today. His presence takes the ordinary and makes it extraordinary with divine activity.

Twelve men: fishermen, a tax collector, a zealot, and others who were ordinary people, yet with God working through them, all became extraordinary.

We need to recognize how God works through the events and people in our lives to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary.

Balanced Endurance

I was once given a small level inscribed with the phrase “man of God.” The passage associated with this thought was Isaiah 40:31.

The combination of the text in Isaiah and the visual image of the level communicates two powerful messages.

One, Isaiah indicates the man of God is one who is waiting for the Lord. Such activity is supported by obtaining new strength and an ability to tirelessly endure.

Two, the image of the level is a constant reminder that the man of God must remain balanced. Regardless of the challenges that tend to create imbalance, the man of God remains balanced/level.

Leaders need both.

The Passion Pyramid

Yesterday, I wrote about passionate leaders where I discussed Steve Moore’s emphasis on interest-based and issue-based passion. Steve’s book, Who is My Neighbor, digs more deeply into the idea of what he calls the passion pyramid.

He refers to four levels of passion.

The first level involves the inner desire to learn.
The second level is where we engage in activities we are passion about.
The third level is when we influence others to participate.
The fourth level requires sacrifice of time, energy, and resources.

Passion cannot be hidden. When we become passionate about Christ, we will change the world.

Passionate Leaders

According to Dr. Tim Elmore, what you want (desires), why you have want it (motives), and how badly you want it (passion) all speak to fundamentals of leadership.

Little is accomplished without passion. Our challenge involves how to determine that passion.

President of Growing Leaders, Steve Moore, emphasizes the necessity of recognizing the difference between “interest-based passions and issue-based passions.”

Interest-based passions are areas we have an interest in combined with a natural ability, often times sports or recreational activities.

Issue-based passions are connected to causes which provide fulfillment, and “give us a sense of purpose,” such as rectifying social injustices.

What are you passionate about?