Simple and Selfless

9-11 serves as a powerful reminder in the history of our nation. The closer people are to the individuals who lost their lives that day, the stronger the remembrance.

We are reminded of the incredible benevolent, servant, and sacrificial leadership demonstrated surrounding that event.

Even though we may feel it to be a lesser comparison, we need to note that it is not always about heroic levels of leadership that are remembered in the highlight reels of life.

Perhaps the greatest mark left on the world is the simple and selfless acts done on a daily basis that touch the lives of those in need.


A mission often relates to accomplishing specific tasks within a designated time frame: military tactics, political advancements, corporate positioning, and religious direction.

God’s mission was established before the foundation of the world (Ep. 1:4), promised to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-4), prophesied to David (2 Sam. 7:12), fulfilled in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (Mt. – Jn.), and directed through the apostles (Mt. 28:19-20; Ep. 4:11-16).

Leaders play a significant role in the mission of God to lead His people to a better place.

If our mission today does not align with His mission, then we need to refocus our purpose.


How often do you get distracted?

Distractions are not always major events that cause us to lose sight of what is important. Sometimes, the smallest of situations occurs and a moment later we are consumed to the point we ignore all else, even when we know we need to remain focused.

As leaders, we must constantly evaluate the direction of our leadership. Evaluation is a daily occurrence, a time to reflect on our actions, and redirect our attention if necessary.

Reflect, evaluate, make adjustments, and get back on track.

Distractions will come in various shapes and sizes, but strive to prevent them from causing you to lose focus.


What is the leader’s greatest asset? In leadership circles, the greatest asset is trust. If people lose trust in their leader, they will not follow, and without followers there is no leadership.

What can leaders do in order to establish a relationship of trust?

Demonstrate competence.
Wisdom in decision-making and follow through helps leaders show a competence that followers need.

Eliminate inconsistencies.
Learning to align our words and actions with our core values may not completely eliminate inconsistency, but it helps.

Cultivate character.
While challenging, integrity is the foundation of our character upon which we cultivate trust.


Preparation is essential in every area of life. The lack of preparation often results in consequences that damage our influence and leadership.

God designed leadership to be self-sacrificing, one of self-denial where others are more important than self.

Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi is a quick read, but one filled with depth about the type of influence leaders were intended to have through an “others-centric” style of leading.

The right mind (humility), the right example (Christ), the right design (interest of others), and the right motive (abounding love and grace).

With this combination, leaders prepare themselves to lead with significance. The result makes an eternal difference.


Courage is a choice made in the moment it is needed.

We could talk about areas that create fear and the fallout from it. We could also examine a number of ways to overcome fear.

We know the value of healthy fear when danger can inflect harm.

What really enables us to overcome the battles and storms of life that seem to intimidate and discourage us? What empowers us to overcome the insecurities, doubt, and distractions that prevent the choice of courage?

Through it all, one powerful thought is needed for leaders. God is with us and He is for us. Read Romans 8:31-39.

A Spiritual Workout Plan

Workout programs are a dime a dozen. Millions of routines are available that guarantee results. Each individual or organization promotes their product(s) as part of the optimum workout with the intent of enticing people to buy-in.

However, it is not just about starting the program, but how to motivate people to continue it.

Imagine the spiritual difference if leaders appeal in similar ways to improve the spiritual lives of those who desire to be better.

How do we encourage people to get started and motivate them to continue? The optimum level results in lives that are changed now and forever. How are we doing?


The search for happiness is a never ending pursuit for most people.

Some search for happiness in material things or vast wealth, as if money or stuff will make them happy.

Some pursue happiness through relationships, looking for “Mr. or Mrs. Right,” as though someone else can make them happy.

The list goes on, but all of these areas will end in disappointment.

Albert Einstein once said, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”

As leaders, set a goal that will drive every breath, thought, and action.

Happiness will most likely follow.

Success and Vision

Before we can experience success, we must understand what we mean by success.

The definition of success on a personal and corporate level takes on different dimensions accordingly. We also find that the definition of success often changes with the stage and development of one’s life.

If we do not know how to define success, creating a vision for the future will be met with great challenge.

When we do not know the destination, how will we ever know if we reach it? Beyond this, why would anyone be passionate about pursuing the vision?

Unless we define success, any thought of vision crumbles with mediocrity.

Servant Leadership

What qualities describe the perfect leader?

One quality, exemplified by Jesus, that seems to rise to the top is a servant’s heart.

Here are a few lessons to learn from His example:

1) Servants do not look out for their own interests, but seek to put others above themselves (Phi. 2:3-5).

2) Servants are aware of the present circumstances and extend a solution to the need (Jn. 6:1-14 cf. v. 5).

3) Servants never seek opportunity for their own glory, but look to glorify God (Mt. 5:16; Jn. 8:49-59).

These three ideas provide ideas worth exploring to improve our leadership.