How Will We Lead?

How will we lead…

Our children? The choices they make, places they frequent, friends they associate with, and work ethic they possess.

Our church? The confidence of the church, their hope for a better tomorrow, and their assurance of an eternal destiny.

Our neighbors? Who they seek during trials, where they turn with spiritual questions, and how they see Jesus.

Our friends? The development of a spiritual focus, thoughts of relationships, and how to deal with giving into temptation.

Our co-workers? Their knowledge of biblical principles, their understanding of character, and approach to life.

Considering their future is worth giving thought to how we will lead.

THE Last Word

Admit it. We often feel the need to have the last word? What does it really mean? Does it provide any real benefit to our relationships?

When spiritual leadership is at stake, there is a need to understand who, or perhaps what, should have the last word.

Of course I am talking about THE last word, the word of God.

Many disregard it, neglect it, avoid it, abuse it, change it, and rewrite it, but God’s word remains the source to help us lead others.

If we always use “THE last word” in our leadership, we will always change the lives of those who follow.


Friendship is a beautiful relationship of mutual trust and support.

A relationship of mutual trust and support between two people is unmatched.

Leadership is not always seen from the perspective of friendship. Leadership is often accompanied by loneliness and seen as a lonely position. We often hear the idea expressed, “It’s lonely at the top.”

While this may be true in many corporate or political settings, it does not have to be true in every situation.

When leaders develop relationships of mutual trust and support, the friendships that blossom provide a source of strength and encouragement for addressing all challenges.

Identifying the Unlikely

Identifying the unlikely can be subjective to each individual. However we identify the unlikely, the need is evident when it comes to our leadership. Where should we start?

They live everywhere, but often have nowhere to live.
They have nothing to give, yet often give all they have to help someone else.
They scrape by with little hope, yet hope is often all they have to scrape by.

We must look for ways to give hope of a life that is better now and in the future.

We must provide genuine friendship without ulterior motives, where we develop an intimacy that goes beyond the surface.

Leading with Character

There is no doubt when it comes to the necessity of character.

We have examined several areas about character in the past and I do not think it can be overstated. Character is the very substance of leadership.

The determination of character is the head of character.
The development of character is the heart of character.
The demonstration of character is the hands of character.

Where there is character, there is leadership! We need strategy, but strategy takes a distant second place to the necessity of character as leaders.

Positive Leadership

When we consider how God has empowered us with the ability to choose, and that he has provided redemption and freedom from the consequences of sin, how can we not live in Biblical joy.

We not only have a reason to live, but a reason to have joy in this life as we anticipate the coming of an eternal one.

Considering the information given to us, our efforts as leaders must be to make a positive change.

The external circumstances will always exist and challenge the core of leadership. However, we must arise above it and lead to make a positive change, and it all begins with us!

For Life

Have you ever considered the power behind the two words, for life?

When vows are exchanged, the thought takes on a new significance.

There will be challenging days ahead, but they will be faced together because of these two words.

Family problems will arise, but they will be met powerfully when for life is understood.

Difficulties with health will occur, but they will be overcome when faced for life.

Leadership is the same. Assuming we understand our influence, leadership is for life.

It is an opportunity, not a chore. A privilege, not drudgery.

We can make a difference when we are committed for life.

The Past

We cannot live in the past, nor can we return to change it. If we had a chance to live yesterday over I am sure there are areas we would change.

Yesterday provides a benefit to our leadership in several ways.

1) We can learn from the successes and failures.
2) We can plan a better future based on the history.
3) We can establish measures to prevent duplicating mistakes.
4) We can lead others onto a straighter course.

I know we all strive to survive the present with an anticipation of the future. However, we also need to stop on occasion and benefit from the past.

What Happens?

What happens when we help the unlikely?

We become vulnerable emotionally, mentally, and physically.

We expose ourselves for who we really are at the core.

We must develop a compassion for the pain of others and a greater desire to help.

We would be well served to understand that those who need to change the most are the most likely to change.

Yet, we see them as the most unlikely to change and thus we do not consider leading them to Christ.

Loving unconditionally means that no matter what you have done, what you believe, or how you treat me, I will love you.

Preventing Emergencies

Recognizing problems in advance and preventing them from becoming emergencies both provide powerful benefits.

What can a leader do to recognize these problems in advance?

Accept that problems will happen. Living in denial, ignoring, or hoping a problem will go away is an invitation for an emergency.

Practice good communication. Many problems could be detected sooner if leaders listened more carefully.

Ask appropriate questions. At the first sign of a problem, learn to ask the right questions.

Learn from the past.
Lessons learned from previous experience are a foundation for the future.

There are no exact lists to resolve every problem in advance. However, these few will help.