Qualified Leaders…

When someone is qualified, they are recognized as someone trained to perform a specific job or task. A level of competency is associated with this recognition.

The Bible speaks about qualities all Christians should strive to achieve. We may not achieve all of them, but we can still lead others.

Leadership is about influence. We strive to influence others for the cause of Christ. As a Christian, our qualification to lead others is built on the blood of Jesus.

The stronger our faith becomes, the more our confidence grows, and the greater our influence. This type of leadership is needed in the kingdom.

Mentoring Leaders…

Information about mentoring is unlimited. Several approaches to mentoring indicate a number of options available for consideration.

Mentoring involves an experienced and trusted advisor who trains and counsels someone else. The mentoring relationship may extend any where from a few days to a few years depending on the nature and purpose of the relationship.

As a spiritual influence in the lives of others, we want to mentor others to maturity in their faith.

A great place to start is to pray about someone who can be a mentor and pray for someone you can mentor. Then watch God do the rest.

Grateful and Blessed…

I am blessed when it comes to leading my family, blessed in more ways than I can express in one post. Let me share my greatest blessing.

Today, my wife celebrates a special day.

It is a day that reminds me how thankful I am she was born, how thankful I am God orchestrated our union, how thankful I am for the family we’ve made together, and how thankful I am to walk alongside someone as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside.

I am blessed to lead such an amazing woman, Christian example, and my best friend on this journey through life. Happy Birthday my love.


Happy Thanksgiving…

From the Turner family
and the Sunset Academy of Leadership Training

Happy Thanksgiving

May God abundantly supply your every need and provide you
every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus.

Leading in the Present…

Where have we been? Where are we now? Where do we want to go?

Nido Qubein once claimed, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.”

Yesterday’s choices often determine our present circumstances. The choices we make today determine the consequences we live with tomorrow.

As we consider our present circumstances, we must make a choice, but make the choice understanding the impact it will have on tomorrow.

The starting point we have today can make all the difference in how we move into the future and prepare for a greater life, physically and spiritually.

Balancing Our Time…

The most valuable commodity we have is time. While we all have exactly the same amount of time each day, how we use our time makes the difference.

Paul instructed Christians to walk with wisdom making the most of their time (Ep. 5:15-16). How?

Contrast the amount of time spent over the past week in activities with a self-centered focus, others-directed focus, and spiritual focus. Is there a proper balance?

Check the balance of time spent in work and with family.

A few simple questions, a little evaluation, and refocusing our direction helps us use our time more wisely.

Consistent Leadership…

“Do as I say, not as I do.”

One of the greatest forms of hypocrisy occurs when parents tell their children to live a certain way, yet do not live by the same standard.

I am not saying that parents need to be perfect, regardless of the standard under consideration. However, there needs to be consistency.

Children push limits as close to the line as possible and measure every action by the consistency of parental guidance.

The foundation must be laid here. When we fail, admit it, apologize, and make restitution. Never excuse it…ever!

Help children understand the purpose behind the standard and live consistently by it.

Lead Like A Champion…

Every athletic team longs to be crowned “champion.”

The amount of effort given and money spent to finish a champion at a professional level is beyond comprehension.

However, our influence as leaders provides an opportunity to be a champion for someone. What kind of champion is up to us?

The influence of true champions will not be seen with a touchdown, home run, three-point shot, goal scored, or crossing a finish line.

True champions are formed through the acts of kindness, grace, and love. A bed, a home-cooked meal, a drink of water, a smile, a word of encouragement, or a helping hand, are all key components to being a true champion.

Decision Makers…

Leaders must be decisive. When they are indecisive, their leadership is called into question.

What causes indecisiveness? Here are three possibilities.

Fear: fear of making the wrong decision, the unknown, and fear of failure are leading causes.

Trust: leaders who lack trust in their own abilities and the abilities of others are often indecisive.

this mindset leads to indecision because there is a lack of urgency.

What can be done to help leaders overcome this indecisive tendency?

Gather ALL the facts.
List out the pros and cons.
Pray about it.
Trust your instincts.
Establish a precautionary backup plan.
Then, make the decision.

Passionate Leaders…

What are we passionate about? Do we find ourselves involved in activities for hours without any thought to the time? What drives our lives?

Howard Thurman said, “Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Spiritual matters must breathe passion into our lives. When seeking God’s kingdom is a priority, when reaching others with Jesus is the purpose of each breath, when worshiping God is at the heart of our activity, and when a love for truth drives us deeper into His word, we have the building blocks for passionate leadership.