Tag: Souls

Preoccupied Leaders

Leaders must be preoccupied with a path that leads to godliness, see through the eyes of mission, possess a heart of compassion, and minister with the legs and feet of a servant.

Leaders must be preoccupied with the Gospel, understanding the urgency of reaching each soul, leaving no stone unturned or challenge unmet, and overcoming every obstacle because the salvation of others takes precedent.

While preoccupation is a two-way street, and can easily lead to a negative side, the point for leaders is to be preoccupied in the right and positive ways to change people’s lives eternally.

Educating Leaders…

The basic understanding of leadership involves moving someone from point A to point B.

Jim Rohn said, “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.”

A biblical leader helps those who are outside of Christ (point A) turn from a self-directed life to obediently follow the Savior (point B). A key element to this prescriptive help is teaching.

The need is urgent and relevant to every soul we encounter daily.

Precious souls need encouragement to pursue the right course, a course to find eternal hope.

The Joy of Leading…

Some lead for the power. They simply want authority to direct and guide the movement of others.

Some lead out of crisis. When crisis strikes, people are often forced into a position of leadership.

Others lead because no one else will. Sadly, when godly leaders do not rise up, someone will, but not always in the right direction.

Still, there are others who know the joy of leading. They recognize the need, strive to develop Christlike character, and desire to save souls.

When the combination of these three elements exist, great blessings will follow.