Tag: Steve Moore

The Passion Pyramid

Yesterday, I wrote about passionate leaders where I discussed Steve Moore’s emphasis on interest-based and issue-based passion. Steve’s book, Who is My Neighbor, digs more deeply into the idea of what he calls the passion pyramid.

He refers to four levels of passion.

The first level involves the inner desire to learn.
The second level is where we engage in activities we are passion about.
The third level is when we influence others to participate.
The fourth level requires sacrifice of time, energy, and resources.

Passion cannot be hidden. When we become passionate about Christ, we will change the world.

Passionate Leaders

According to Dr. Tim Elmore, what you want (desires), why you have want it (motives), and how badly you want it (passion) all speak to fundamentals of leadership.

Little is accomplished without passion. Our challenge involves how to determine that passion.

President of Growing Leaders, Steve Moore, emphasizes the necessity of recognizing the difference between “interest-based passions and issue-based passions.”

Interest-based passions are areas we have an interest in combined with a natural ability, often times sports or recreational activities.

Issue-based passions are connected to causes which provide fulfillment, and “give us a sense of purpose,” such as rectifying social injustices.

What are you passionate about?