Tag: Success

Bleed the Vision

As leaders cast a vision for the future, goals and plans are established. Morale reaches a pinnacle and we enjoy the anticipation and excitement that builds as we push into the depths of the work and strive to achieve our goals.

What we do the day after the goal is reached makes the greatest impact on future success.

Never forget to celebrate achievement when goals are completed. Celebrate all who contributed to the success.

But…do not lose sight of the vision. As one individual identified, leaders who “bleed the vision” are needed.

The vision extends beyond the goal and keeps everyone focused on our “Why.”

Vision and Mission

In an effort to develop a vision and mission statement, we often get the ideas reversed, and rightfully so, since they are interrelated.

The mission of an organization, specifically the church, describes “what to do.” The foundation is built on the purpose of our existence and the mission directs every decision for all related activities.

The vision describes what we desire to see as a result of the mission. The vision takes into consideration the image of the future that connects the long-term desires with achievable goals.

We must communicate both the vision and mission if we hope to achieve any level of success.


The bottom line does not always give an accurate assessment of success or failure.

When we gauge success strictly by the numbers we miss how God works to achieve His will. To God, success is found when husbands love their wives as Christ loved the church, when wives submit to their husbands as to the Lord, when children obey their parents, and when fathers train their children up in the Lord.

Success is found in the moral and ethical behavior of Christians in the world.

When Christians feed on the word of God, mature in their faith, and the pattern of leadership is followed, God sees success.

Duality of Purpose

The concept of leadership involves two key components: 1) We follow someone else, and 2) We carry a responsibility to influence those who follow.

Without understanding what it means to follow someone else, we lack the humility needed to influence those who follow.

True success is not determined by the number of people who follow us, but by the one we choose to follow.

There are leaders who led masses to destruction because they followed a self-glorifying purpose.

Of course, there are those who led a few, but led them to victory because they followed God.

Knowing the duality of our purpose aids the direction of our choice.

Survival, Success, and Significance

Meditate for a few minutes on each of these words. The majority of people only seek to survive, looking for the next meal or how to pay their rent/mortgage.

Others seek a level of success. While subjective, no matter how it is defined, people desire success in their families, academically, or on their jobs.

There are far too few who realize that the limited time we have on earth is about making a significant difference. Significance requires thinking beyond ourselves and wielding our influence for the purpose of making an impact that is significant.

How would you describe your leadership? Are you striving to survive, enjoy success, or make a difference that is significant.

Confidence and Credibility

Solomon expressed how the end is better than the beginning.

The thought expressed indicates the satisfaction and joy that accompanies the achievement of a goal. His statement also indicates confidence and credibility.

Reaching the end of the matter strengthens confidence in the leader. As each victory is achieved, leaders grow with confidence for setting out to accomplish the next goal.

When leaders reach the end of the matter, it is an indicator of success, and success breeds credibility for those who follow.

When we enjoy success at the end of the matter, it builds confidence which strengthens our credibility.

Success and Vision

Before we can experience success, we must understand what we mean by success.

The definition of success on a personal and corporate level takes on different dimensions accordingly. We also find that the definition of success often changes with the stage and development of one’s life.

If we do not know how to define success, creating a vision for the future will be met with great challenge.

When we do not know the destination, how will we ever know if we reach it? Beyond this, why would anyone be passionate about pursuing the vision?

Unless we define success, any thought of vision crumbles with mediocrity.

Planning for Success

We’ve all heard that “those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”

Success and quality are the results of intentionality and planning with a dedication to persevere.

When a plan is in place, foresight has already formulated direction for those unexpected or untimely challenges.

This does not mean we will never have to deal with challenges, but if we negotiate a plan before we are in them, we know better how to handle those times.

Leading requires a plan. This is more significant when the spiritual application is connected. Whatever time is given to develop a good plan, it will produce success and quality.

The Choice

The issue of choice relates to every area of life. Walk down the isle of any store and consider the choices available on any product. At times, it becomes overwhelming to determine exactly what is needed.

A study of leadership highlights the challenge of making choices. The choices made by leaders can make the difference in success or failure?

Sadly, many choices are made by trial and error. Only after the results of the choice are seen can another decision be made concerning the appropriate direction to take.

Nothing is more significant than leading others to make the choice about Jesus.

A Tenacious Leader

Think for a moment about the nature and application of tenacity for leaders.

When talking about how to face challenges, leaders hold tenacity.

When working through personal problems, leaders demonstrate tenacity.

When establishing direction, leaders portray tenacity.

When developing plans for the future, leaders lead with tenacity.

When needing to achieve the goals, leaders carry tenacity.

When seeking guidance in tough decisions, leaders exemplify tenacity.

Developing a persistent character of tenacity to pursue a solution until it is successful takes time. Leaders who possess tenacity lead with perseverance and lay a foundation for success.