Tag: Sunset

Remembering Our Leadership…

We do not have the space to explore all the ways our mind works, or how much of the brain remains untapped.

It is fascinating just to think about the ability we have to remember. Spiritual leaders must consider that people remember what they see longer than what they hear. Therefore, how will our leadership be remembered?

Will it be remembered for our words or actions?
Will it be remembered for being a servant?

Leadership illuminates our lives and, sadly, our lives are lived under a microscope. 

Before we speak or act, it is worth the time to consider how we want our leadership will be remembered.

The Right Tool…

Although it is not my forte, I have tried to work on a number of mechanical items over the years, from cars to electronics. 

I might have enjoyed more success if I had learned the valuable lesson of getting the right tool(s) for the job and the importance of knowing my limitations.

I can see many similarities to leadership. Leaders do well to learn the importance of taking time to do whatever it takes to prepare properly and achieve the job successfully.

Being equipped with the right tools in leadership can make the difference now and eternally. Prepare and know your limitations!

Entrusting Leaders…

The Greek word translated “entrust” carries the idea of placing something into the hand of another.

Paul reminded Timothy of what had been entrusted to him and instructed him to place it into the hands of those who are faithful so that they, in turn, would teach others also.

When something is entrusted to us, we have a responsibility to care for, guard, protect, cherish, and faithfully use it.

Considering what has been placed into our hands as spiritual leaders, we carry this same responsibility.

One day we will give an account for the stewardship of what has been entrusted to us, including the souls we lead.

Hide and Seek…

Children often play the game “Hide and Seek.” 

When my granddaughter was younger, she introduced a little twist to the game. She told me where she was hiding and wanted me to find her. Hmmm. Of course, she expected the same in return.

While games are fun, it raised a thought about leadership. Are we playing a game of hide and seek when it comes to leading others? 

Do we inform people where we are and where we can be found, or do we leave them wondering, or perhaps, wandering?

Let us be clear in the direction we lead, so others can easily seek and find. Sounds biblical to me!

True and Lasting Leadership…

Leadership is about those who follow. General Douglas MacArthur said, “A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him.”

Leaders can become so enamored with leading that they focus on themselves, forgetting their influence in the lives of others.

Interestingly, General MacArthur emphasized that a leader is just as good or bad as followers make them.

Listen to those who are led. What do they say or do? Careful observation reveals a great deal about leadership.

A true and lasting impact is built upon a leader who places emphasis upon others rather than themselves.

Real Leadership…

Real leadership involves authenticity, being genuine, even transparent.

While not always popular, it is essential.

A good friend once told me people want to see the same guy up front preaching that they greet at the back door.

Give this some thought.

We should not take on a different personality when we preach or teach, and we must not excuse such by calling it passion.

If our personality is not passionate outside the pulpit, then why would it become so in the pulpit?

Leading others brings many challenges and this one is difficult. However, if we want to lead others, then we need to BE REAL!

More to Leadership…

We have all heard the offer for a product followed up with, “But wait, there’s more.” At this point the offer is usually doubled.

We always find a great deal associated with leadership, “But wait, there’s more.” 

Leadership is more than power.
Leadership is more than position.
Leadership is more than a title.
Leadership is more than influence.

There will always be more regarding spiritual leadership. If we approach the task with humility and love, we can realize growth in the church and bring glory to our God.

But wait, there’s more! 

If we act now, more souls will enjoy the beauty of heaven. Think Souls!

Positional Leadership…

One of the great myths of leadership is the positional myth, i.e. “I cannot lead unless I have a position, or once I have a position then I will be able to lead.”

While we do not have to have a position to lead, this position comes with a responsibility. Spiritual leaders are positioned with a responsibility, a responsibility to help others…

…understand there is hope for the future.
…reach their full potential in spiritual maturity.
…obtain their eternal inheritance.

Several years ago, I heard this equation: ability + opportunity = responsibility. After some thought, doesn’t it sound like a good position?

True Peace…

A few moments of reading or watching the news reveals the desire for peace, which seems to be unattainable.

Peace is not the absence of conflict. True peace is only found in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Jesus is our peace. His purpose in going to the cross was to provide all nations with peace, uniting all people from every tribe and tongue into one body.

As leaders, we must help others find the only peace that provides hope and unity found in the true Prince of peace.

When we think souls, there is a renewed purpose for helping others enjoy what only Jesus can give.

Character of a Gentleman…

As spiritual leaders, remember a true gentleman demonstrates great character. General Robert E. Lee said it best.

“The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone; but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman. The power which the strong have over the weak, the magistrate over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly; the forbearing and inoffensive use of all this power and authority, or the total abstinence from it, when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light. The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him. He can only forgive; he can forget; and he strives for that nobleness of self and mildness of character which imparts sufficient strength to let the past be put the past.”