Tag: Tenacity

A Blessing or Curse

Examining the life of Moses indicates the preparation of a godly leader who represents wisdom, strength, and tenacity.

Notice his appeal in the last sermon of Deuteronomy.

As Moses addressed the nation of Israel he presented them with a blessing and a curse, life and death. He urged them to choose life that they might live.

Amidst the challenges of leadership in this postmodern, excessively individualistic world, perhaps the simple approach to the choices offered by Moses can redirect our attention to the heart of the matter.

As leaders, our task is to appeal to choose wisely, choose life that they might live.

Tenacious Leaders

Grip, determination, and persistence are a few of the words associated with tenacity.

Being able to grip something, or hold on to it firmly, is crucial for long term success in leadership.

The quality of being determined presents an attitude of strength to endure the distractions.

Without persistence leaders find themselves easily ready to give up and move on.

Tenacity, as defined in these three areas, demonstrates the ability of leaders to take a group of individuals who might not otherwise continue and motivate them to heights unknown.

Leaders who approach the establishment of goals and the development of plans with tenacity, provide confidence for those who follow.

A Tenacious Leader

Think for a moment about the nature and application of tenacity for leaders.

When talking about how to face challenges, leaders hold tenacity.

When working through personal problems, leaders demonstrate tenacity.

When establishing direction, leaders portray tenacity.

When developing plans for the future, leaders lead with tenacity.

When needing to achieve the goals, leaders carry tenacity.

When seeking guidance in tough decisions, leaders exemplify tenacity.

Developing a persistent character of tenacity to pursue a solution until it is successful takes time. Leaders who possess tenacity lead with perseverance and lay a foundation for success.

Leading with Tenacity…Part 2

Tenacity is associated with grip, determination, and persistence.

The ability to grip something, or hold on firmly, is crucial for long-term success.
Determination presents an attitude of strength to endure the distractions.
Without persistence, leaders find themselves ready to give up and move on.

Tenacity, as defined in these areas, demonstrates the ability of leaders to take a group of people who might not otherwise continue and motivate them to heights unknown.

With it, leaders build confidence in their approach to the establishment of goals and the development of plans to achieve them.

Leaders must hold on with a tenacious spirit.

Leading with Tenacity…Part 1

When leaders face difficulties, which often plague our journey through life, what can be done to strengthen resolve and motivate perseverance?

The most obvious answer is a tenacious spirit that never gives up. No matter how difficult the challenge, quitting must never be an option.

Seek appropriate help.
Work harder than before.
Remember, you are not alone.

Life presents many twists and turns, some pleasant and others not so pleasant. Regardless of how difficult our journey becomes, the words credited to Winston Churchill still hold true today, “Never, never, never give up.”