Tag: Time

Using Our Time Well

The year is almost half over. How are you doing with your goals?

Our goals must be important and, at times, urgent?

If we have been procrastinating the necessary actions to accomplish our goals, we have no time to waste.

If we are waiting to decide what is most important, we have no time to waste.

With so much to do, people to lead to Christ, Christians to strengthen in faithfulness and personal growth, time is of the essence. No commodity is more valuable than our time.

Let us use the time God has given us wisely and never be known for wasting it.

A Patient Leader

Biblical patience has an object, not patience for the purpose of patience, but for the sake of another.

The obstacles to patience include segmenting, regulating, and hoarding time, as well as, exalting productivity and the desire for speed.

Patience can be cultivated by remembering our relationship with God, including God’s patience with us in those times we were stumbling through life trying to determine our place in God’s redemptive story.

We also cultivate patience by thinking of time differently––as a gift instead of a commodity.

Demonstrating patience helps support the strength of leadership as others are led to see the working of God through Christ in their lives.


Being observant is essential in leadership. The power of observation is deeply connected to its definition.

Alert: When leaders are alert, they are quick to notice anything unusual or potentially dangerous.

Watchful: Leaders who are carefully watching others and the situation lead out of concern.

Aware: When there is a knowledge or perception of a situation or fact, leaders are aware.

Attentive: To be attentive, leaders must pay close attention to someone or something.

The basis for successful leadership is found in being observant, and this kind of leadership is not easy. It requires diligence, time, patience, and great love.

Are You Ready?

Procrastination can be destructive in a leader’s life.

We often convince ourselves we are not quite ready, and so we wait…and wait.

I appreciate a statement from Lemony Snicket, ”If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

If we decide to wait, what exactly will it take for us to get ready? More money or education? Greater opportunity? Time?

How will we know if we are ready?

There are times when patience is a virtue, times when waiting a little longer is beneficial. However, if we wait until we are ready, we may never be ready.

A Childlike Perspective

Try these steps to make a difference in your leadership.

1) Worry not about tomorrow, it might not come anyway.

2) It is okay to get angry, but make up quickly and play as if it never happened.

3) Stop thinking about the clock. We cannot measure the value of time by it.

4) Live life with anticipation of what we get to do each day.

5) Value the security of knowing someone else is in charge. Thank you, Father.

6) Remember, a good night’s rest depends on living with truth and honesty.

7) Nothing is better than cookies and milk to put a smile on someone’s face.

Time and Energy

When the only value people feel they provide for an organization is from a financial perspective, then the long-term structure crumbles. We all desire to know that the time and energy we contribute to growth has value, not just financially.

If we can incorporate the same into our spiritual leadership, the response is the same. Consider the benefit to the church when Christians see leaders give of their time and energy. The result is huge in raising the level of trust and the desire to achieve the vision set forth by leaders.


Communication faces numerous challenges. Simply because we speak the same language does not necessitate that communication has occurred.

Amazingly enough, the advances in technology have not improved our ability to communicate. Worse still, is the fact that most people believe themselves to be good communicators, when in actuality, they are not.

Leadership requires the ability to both effectively communicate and communicate effectively. The nature of effective communication involves the means we use. Communicating effectively involves understanding.

Both take time and practice.

While it might appear to be easy, one of the most difficult tasks we face in leadership is communication.


From the day we are born to the day we die, we only know time: The time we sleep, the time to get ready for work, the time we spend at work, and the list goes on.

Once time passes, we cannot get it back. It cannot be regained or relived.

When we look at leadership, the value of time takes a sharper focus. From the time we prepare ourselves to lead and influence others to the time we actually spend in building those relationships, every second contains great value.

Let us use our time wisely and make the most of the opportunity to lead with care.


Think about the process of recovering from surgery.

Time and rest are involved. The body’s ability to recover is amazing, but healing requires time and getting the appropriate rest.

Repair prevents permanent damage. The design and purpose of recovery is to prevent problems of an irreparable nature.

Recovery requires following the physician’s instructions. We often overlook this point. The expert advice of a physician is critical to recovery.

If we follow the necessary steps for recovery, in the long run we can become stronger.

The same is true as spiritual leaders who need to recover from the battles of leading people through difficult and challenging times.

Generous Leaders

Leaders should exemplify generosity. Leadership is built on giving our time, energy, money, emotions, and ability.

When leaders demonstrate generosity, others learn the value of the gift. However, our generosity must be checked.

Intention: What is the motive behind our gift?

Object: What is the object of our generosity? Work? Family? Church? Lord?

Planned dedication: Is there a planned purpose?

Action: Are we ready to start giving?

Self-examination: What are we losing by holding on to it?

What suits our giving? Do we give what is left over, easy and convenient, or is our generosity suited by the best?