Tag: Time

Risky Business

Leadership means risks. Change never occurs quickly or easily. Introducing challenges or raising questions about the current development or structure increases the level of risk.

Regardless of the approach to personal or organizational growth, change is required in order to expand. The thought of remaining neutral, being comfortable with the status quo, or being afraid to address potential change leaves an organization stagnate and eventually deteriorating.

Time, knowledge, and experience are three elements that provide the basis for approaching any risk.

1) Do we have the time to invest?
2) Is our knowledge of the situation adequately researched?
3) What level of experience exists for the resources needed?

When Was The Last Time?

When was the last time…

…you told your spouse you loved them?
…you hugged your children and told them how proud you were of something they achieved?
…you used the words “thank you” for a kind gesture?

As leaders, when was the last time…

…you paused to think about the impact of your words?
…you decided to do a menial task instead of asking someone else to do it?
…you praised someone for their work instead of ignoring them?
…you gave others credit for their work to encourage them in a job well done?
…you took the time to help someone else reach their potential?

The list is unending, but ask yourself, “When was the last time?”

Time and Influence

Time flies by much faster than I would like. I am constantly amazed at what appears to be the speed of time. We are already one month into the new year and nothing seems to be slowing down.

Since leadership is about influence, it makes sense that we would use the time we have to influence as many people as possible.

I remember hearing from a young age, “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” Nothing could be more true.

Are you using your time wisely? What impression are you making with your influence? Is it worth following?

Investing Time

As we approach the new year, I am sure we all wonder what 2022 will bring. Will the pandemic continue to dominate discussions? How will leaders make decisions that influence our direction? What is the best way to use our time?

I recently received an email with a powerful thought from James Clear, “Think about what you want today and you’ll spend your time. Think about what you want in 5 years and you’ll invest your time.”

Instead of thinking about next year, think about 5 years from now and let us invest our time in ways that will make us better leaders.

One Second Changes Everything

The value of time is measured differently by each individual, but we tend to focus on what needs to be done next week, next month, and next year.

Life is filled with many activities. As a result, time flies and we wake up one day wondering where the time went.

If light can travel 372,564.8 miles in two seconds, imagine how we can change the world with a few simple ideas.

A smile can warm the heart of one who is struggling.
Consider the power of a hug at just the right moment.
A kind word can encourage success when failure looms.

Using Time Wisely

Time is the most valuable commodity available, and our greatest challenge is learning how to use it effectively.

Time management is an area often talked about, but rarely do we find those who have a handle on good time management tools.

A few years ago, Paul Myers shared these timely tips.

Get a real calendar and use it. Establish deadlines and work to meet them.
Finish something everyday.
Do not allow electronics to control the time.
Start early. An extra hour in the morning adds up.

Attitude is the difference maker when managing our time. Paul, thank you for the reminder.

Leading With Value

How much value do we place on life? From a leadership perspective, the answer is measured in how our time is spent.

Most are familiar with the expression that “life is not measured in the number of breaths we take, but in the moments that take our breath away.”

If we lose sight of what is most important, we can easily get caught up in what is called the “tyranny of the urgent.”

Take a moment to reflect and remember that every second is a gift from God. Each is valuable and worthy to be used influencing others for the Lord.

Time to Lead

Our life exists within this span known as time.

Since we have this measure and moment of time, it should concern us to consider how we use our time.

We can use our time for ourselves, selfishly using every minute for pleasure. The book of Ecclesiastes informs us this is vanity.

The alternative is to use our time for others. The greatest fulfillment and satisfaction in life are found when we use our time for others, helping them both physically and spiritually reach their potential. Herein lies the purpose of our life and leadership.

If everyone focused on this, imagine what our world would look like.

Leading in the Present…

David wrote, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us be glad and rejoice in it.”

What exactly does today provide for our leadership?

Time to reflect on yesterday and make necessary changes.
Time to focus on our priorities, realizing we may only have today.
Time to prepare for potential challenges ahead.
Time to walk through God-given doors of opportunity.
Time to share the depth of our love with others.

Today is the day. Do not wait any longer. Be wise with the precious time God has placed before us.

Reason or Excuse?

Is there really a difference between a “reason” and an “excuse?” We have all heard or said, “I’m not making an excuse, there is a good reason why…”

When considering the use of our time, do we have a reason for not using it wisely?

When we examine how we live, what reason do we have for the choices we make?

When it comes to allegiance, is there a reason God isn’t the priority He should be?

Our time, life, and allegiances all need greater consideration, because one day we will give an account for each.