Tag: Trustworthy

Trustworthy Character

Our culture has a great propensity to act one way, yet at the core be something completely different.

We refer to this as hypocrisy. We need to understand, however, that our culture has worked on this long enough it is now accepted and normal.

Hypocrisy tends to destroy every opportunity to influence others.

The core of our leadership needs to be characterized by integrity, justice, and truth.

These three characteristics highlight a leader worthy of God’s trust and the trust of those who follow. The result points to powerful influence.


Leaders are accountable, but what exactly does this word involve for spiritual leadership?

There is the implication of what is required. As spiritual leaders, we are required to be trustworthy, faithful, examples, and people of integrity.

There are certain expectations. People tend to meet whatever is expected of them. When leaders make decisions, there is an expectation they will be held accountable.

There is an understanding of responsibility. There is a level of responsibility connected to the decisions and actions taken by leadership.

Leaders will answer to God for the direction of their leadership of God’s people.


Leaders need to demonstrate trust in others.

One of the great challenges in leadership is a micromanaging style of leading. When leaders give someone a task or job to accomplish, there should be a level of trust that allows them to complete the work.

Standing over someone to guide and counsel every detail in their actions or correct each imperfection communicates a lack of trust.

If the individual is not trustworthy, then they should not be given the job. If they are trustworthy, then leaders must demonstrate trust by equipping others with the tools needed for the task and let them go to work.

A Matter of Trust

Can we trust someone simply because they say, “Trust me”?

Scripture is clear about the need for us to trust God and He is worthy of our trust.

Consider the opposite: Can God trust us? Do we have and demonstrate the type of character that is worthy of His trust?

Trust means we are faithful to our promise and we guard what has been entrusted to us.

God entrusted us with His word. If we are trustworthy we will be good students of His word and diligent to make application. When this happens, it makes it easier to share it with others.

Leadership and Character

I have often discussed the necessity of character when talking about leadership. The primarily quality of a leader’s character is trust.

Leaders must certainly be worthy of the trust placed in them by those who follow.

I appreciate Rory Vaden’s thought, “In easy times, personality is revealed. In hard times, your character is revealed.”

The last year delivered some pretty hard times for leaders in the church. Now, more than ever, the church needs leaders who have the kind of character that is worthy of trust.

Can God trust us to lead in this way?

A Trustworthy Leader…

Can God trust us to love His church, be a good student of His Word, share the gospel with others, make the right choices, and lead His people?

Will others trust us to lead with consistency, competence, and connect with them?

How would we answer these questions?

Paul claimed “…it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy” (1 Co. 4:2).

As stewards of all God has entrusted to us, are we trustworthy?

Let us develop a character that is worthy of trust, God’s and other’s.


Faithfulness is rooted in the very character of God. Reliability, steadfastness, constancy, fidelity, dependability, trustworthiness are all words that describe the qualities of God’s faithfulness.

Amidst the increasing instability of our culture we discover several obstacles to faithfulness.

Nurturing the temporal and disposable elements of life challenge lasting faithfulness. Shunning commitments and focusing our loyalty on improper objects become obstacles to our faithfulness as leaders.

However, we cultivate faithfulness when we celebrate God’s abiding presence, lift Him up in worship, keep our promises, and tell the truth.

Kenneson raises several powerful questions and provides suggestions to the other-directed nature of faithfulness on pages 194-195.