Tag: Uniformity


The power of uniformity is based on the development of consistency, invariability, stability, and the regularity that characterizes leadership.

These four words are the defining qualities of uniformity.

Consistency must be lived according to the message believed and proclaimed.

No matter what the cost, invariably, leaders must show up.

Followers need leaders with stability, which provides them with security.

Regularity is fixed and unchanging, without varying.

Uniformity is critical in leading as God desires. While there may be challenges to the development and fulfillment of these qualities, when we practice them, our leadership grows stronger and lasts longer.

Uniformity in Leadership…

Uniformity is based on developing consistency, invariability, stability, and regularity. 

Leaders must demonstrate the consistency of a life lived according what is believed and proclaimed.

The invariability of leading without fail or exception is critical to the success of strong leadership.

Followers need stability. There is something secure about having a rock solid leadership.

The quality of regularity is demonstrated by a leadership that is fixed, unchanging, and unvarying. 

When others can count on their leader, they follow…anywhere, and uniformity is key to leading as God would have us lead today.