Tag: Urgent

Using Our Time Well

The year is almost half over. How are you doing with your goals?

Our goals must be important and, at times, urgent?

If we have been procrastinating the necessary actions to accomplish our goals, we have no time to waste.

If we are waiting to decide what is most important, we have no time to waste.

With so much to do, people to lead to Christ, Christians to strengthen in faithfulness and personal growth, time is of the essence. No commodity is more valuable than our time.

Let us use the time God has given us wisely and never be known for wasting it.


Once you understand what is essential, you need to ask, “What must be eliminated?”

These elements distract leaders and become time stealers, robbing leaders of the time to focus on essential matters.

Through the process of eliminating areas of lesser importance, leaders can focus their time and energy on the essential side of the “to-do” list.

Spiritual leaders realize the need to prioritize life and work by recognizing the proper balance between what is urgent versus essential.

Take a few moments and consider the application to your leadership and what can be eliminated to help you lead better.

Preparing for Tomorrow, Today

There are no guarantees tomorrow will come.

We understand this thought, but what we do today will make a difference if tomorrow’s sun rises.

So, what are we doing to make preparation?

1) Seek God’s guidance with the right priorities.
2) Pursue what is important, not always urgent.
3) Never miss an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
4) Do something nice for someone who will never find out.
5) Be the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

If we would follow these each day, regardless of what may or may not come tomorrow, we will have a full life.

Educating Leaders…

The basic understanding of leadership involves moving someone from point A to point B.

Jim Rohn said, “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.”

A biblical leader helps those who are outside of Christ (point A) turn from a self-directed life to obediently follow the Savior (point B). A key element to this prescriptive help is teaching.

The need is urgent and relevant to every soul we encounter daily.

Precious souls need encouragement to pursue the right course, a course to find eternal hope.

Strength of Leadership…

Is this urgent or essential? What should you stop doing? 

In Forbes magazine, Mike Maddock asks another question, “What makes you feel strongest?”

Great leaders focus on their strengths. Numerous sources claim that leaders should focus 80% of their time on their strengths and 20% on weaknesses.

While this may sound opposite to what we consider, great leaders prove the theory.

Focusing on the areas of passion and strength makes a good leader great, and makes a great leader outstanding.

Leaders must take time to ask the right questions and make sure they provide answers that help them reach their greatest potential.

Essential Questions…

Voltaire was noted for saying, “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.”

The Forbes website provides information about several areas concerning leadership. An article in June focused on “Four Questions Great Leaders Ask.” Leaders must first ask, “Is this urgent or essential?”

Every leader wrestles with determining the difference between urgent and essential matters. Often times the urgent matters distract leaders from what is essential and the stakes increase related to spiritual matters.

Spiritual leaders are needed who recognize what is essential and lead with an urgency to help others discover the way to what is essential for their lives.