Tag: Vision

Wrong to Assume

How many times do we expect others to know what is on our mind?

Somehow, we assume others naturally know what we are thinking, as if they are a mind reader.

Leaders can make this mistake if not careful.

Keep in mind, others do not know what we are thinking unless we tell them.

If we want a response, then tell them so.

Disappointment can be avoided if we adequately communicate the vision in our minds.

People follow leaders who know and keep the direction before them.

Playing the mind reading game does not work well. Communicate the direction and others will follow.


Light is defined as “a source of illumination.” Light, however, is so much more when we consider what it actually does and what it symbolizes for spiritual leaders.

Jesus claimed to be the “light of the world.” He also said His disciples were the “light of the world, a city set on a hill,” and followed this by saying, “Let your light shine.”

Leaders need to illuminate a vision that is built on faith and trust in God.

Our light should shine forth the example of Jesus as revealed throughout the Gospels. When this happens, our good works are seen in such a way that others will glorify God.


The formation of an approach to adult leadership development (ALD) is essential for the future.

Each congregation must establish a plan for training, equipping, and developing leaders to prepare for the spiritual warfare currently facing the church.

As God’s people, we need to recognize the challenges before us, and the current leadership of today must rise up to prepare leaders for tomorrow.

We should all be aware of the consequences of failing to plan for ALD. What we need is a vision for leadership development in the Lord’s kingdom that will be experienced in the next generation. This will impact our children!

A Leadership Sequel

A prequel refers to the stories or events preceding an existing work.

The sequel involves what shows up as part two. It is about what happens next.

The ideas associated with both are fascinating and raise several thoughts about leadership.

Prior to assuming responsibilities in our present work, what events in our past have shaped who we are now?

The question we may need to consider is: What are we expecting to happen next? Have we determined the appropriate sequel to where we are now?

Wisdom is built upon remembering the past to understand the present, but vision is cast to prepare for the sequel in our leadership.


Leadership awareness involves a knowledge or perception of the situation or fact.

Leaders need self-awareness, i.e. an awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses, an awareness of who they are, where they are going, and how they plan to achieve their vision.

Leaders also need an awareness of others, i.e. an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of those who follow, an awareness of how to help others reach their greatest potential and achieve goals.

Leaders should also be aware of the environment, i.e. an awareness of available resources, an awareness of the obstacles, the reality of progress, and open doors of opportunity.


We find it is fairly common (somewhere around 40-ish) that our arm does not extend out quite far enough to read print on a page.

Two conditions normally occur: 1) near-sightedness – the ability to see things up close, but not far away, and 2) far-sightedness – the ability to see things far away, but not up close.

Spiritually, leaders must avoid both. Leaders need the ability to see what is going on up close around them, knowing the present needs that exist. They must also have the kind of vision that makes it possible to see what will occur down the road. Perhaps the appropriate term is “insight.”


We are beginning the last month of the first quarter in 2024. Now is a good time to evaluate and adjust either our plans or goals. At least three areas require consideration.

One, do we have the necessary resources to complete our goals for the year? This month is a benchmark to adjust if needed.

Two, are the right people in the right positions to implement the plans? If not, we may need to make changes.

Three, have we communicated appropriately the vision and essential steps to achieve the goals? Communication cannot be overstated.

Let’s make sure we do not miss the opportunity to evaluate accordingly.

A Daily Prayer

As spiritual leaders, to become what we need to be we must remember three key thoughts.

1) God is the primary mover who shapes and develops our influence as leaders.

2) His word is the tool by which we understand the components involved in the process.

3) Our open and submissive heart benefits us as God fills us and His Word guides us.

Our daily prayer needs to include a request that God help us have the vision to see who He wants us to be, to make us who we need to be, and to never be content with remaining where we are.

Prepare Future Leaders

Too many congregations struggle with poorly equipped and, at times, unqualified leaders, or no leadership at all. Most leaders have no idea who will fill this needed role in the days ahead.

Each congregation needs a plan for training, equipping, and developing leaders to prepare for the spiritual warfare facing the church.

God’s people need to recognize the challenges before us and the current leadership must rise up to prepare leaders for tomorrow.

We currently suffer the consequences of past generations that failed to plan. We need a vision related to who we can be as the Lord’s kingdom in the next generation. This will impact our children!


Darren Hardy’s book, The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster, talks about “Four Passion Switches.” These switches are below with a snippet of what they reference.

Be passionate about what you do: This one is the most common. People talk about passion for what they do.

Be passionate about why you do it: When we understand the why behind our vision and mission, passion increases.

Be passionate about how you do it: Going above and beyond represents quality, not just settling for good enough.

Be passionate about who you do it for: Knowing who benefits (family, community, country, etc.) drives passion upwards.

Find ways to increase your passion as a leader.