Tag: Word


Negotiating is an effort to reach an agreement or solution through compromise. Most often, there is give and take, thus, compromise.

Spiritual leaders need to exercise caution when it comes to negotiating. Far too often God’s word is compromised in an attempt to appease a larger majority of people.

Attempts to negotiate, compromise, or change the word of God are futile.

Our leadership should not move people away from God and His word. Rather, our leadership should move people toward God and His word.

THE Last Word

Admit it. We often feel the need to have the last word? What does it really mean? Does it provide any real benefit to our relationships?

When spiritual leadership is at stake, there is a need to understand who, or perhaps what, should have the last word.

Of course I am talking about THE last word, the word of God.

Many disregard it, neglect it, avoid it, abuse it, change it, and rewrite it, but God’s word remains the source to help us lead others.

If we always use “THE last word” in our leadership, we will always change the lives of those who follow.

God’s Glory and Presence…

The “glory of the Lord” is found throughout the Old Testament. The expression is generally connected to the tabernacle or temple.

The appearing of God’s glory indicates the desire of God to dwell among and with His people. The greatest representation of this is found in the incarnation of Jesus.

John records, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth” Jn. 1:14.

It is beautiful to consider how God will work through us to be present in leading others.

Passionate Leaders…

What are we passionate about? Do we find ourselves involved in activities for hours without any thought to the time? What drives our lives?

Howard Thurman said, “Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Spiritual matters must breathe passion into our lives. When seeking God’s kingdom is a priority, when reaching others with Jesus is the purpose of each breath, when worshiping God is at the heart of our activity, and when a love for truth drives us deeper into His word, we have the building blocks for passionate leadership.

A Learning Leader…

The subjects of leadership and learning are interrelated. John F. Kennedy said, “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

A mindset that exists, often referred to as a leadership myth, is the idea that once someone becomes a leader they having nothing left to learn. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Arrogance is a dangerous attitude to possess. It leads to a lack of gratitude, separation, and a delusional personality. Ultimately, it destroys any possibility of leading from a godly position.

Leaders must constantly learn. They must be, as Wayne Roberts has said, “A student of the Word and of the world.”

Both require one to be a learner.

A Refuge for Leaders…

God is our strength and refuge. As such, He is an ever present help when we face trouble.

When the trouble is one of loss: a friend, family member, position, possession, or health, God is our help, but where does this help come from?

From His word. Throughout scripture we find strength, comfort and guidance.
Through prayer. Scripture instructs us to cast all our cares upon Him, because He cares.
From others. One of the best ways leadership is demonstrated is helping those in need.

We receive a great peace from God when we apply these areas during times of trouble.

Role of the Shepherd…#4

The second statement closely follows yesterday’s thought. Jesus says, “I gave them the words you gave me.” He repeats the idea by saying, “I have given them your word.”

Shepherds are responsible for spiritually feeding the sheep and the spiritual food required for God’s sheep is His word.

In Psalm 23, David relates a similar thought, “He makes me lie down in green pastures.” Shepherds know where to lead sheep that they might eat what is best for them. 

Today, the idea rests upon providing the spiritual food that strengthens and sustains the sheep. Know the word of God and use its nutrition to help the sheep grow.

A Grateful Leader…

Families and friends will soon gather to enjoy Thanksgiving.

We would all agree with the need to express our gratitude daily.

The God-given responsibility of leading can be a heavy burden, but the rewards are rich in eternal blessings.

A few are listed below.

An incredible God who created us, loved us, and was willing to die for us.
wonderful opportunity to work with the greatest people on earth.
The generosity of trust from faithful brethren who make our work possible.
Abundant physical and spiritual blessings.
A perfect Word that provides direction, strength, hope, and promise.

May leaders always express gratitude.

Helping Our Leadership…

What is it that gets us up and going in the mornings? Is it coffee? Exercise? Regardless, we all have times we need a little help.

Start the day with the Lord in prayer. Nothing helps more than pouring our hearts out to the heavenly Father. Speak from the heart and know He is listening. 

Follow up with reading the Word. David needed a pick-me-up, and he expresses how God’s word was the meditation of his heart. The same is true for us.

Provide someone else with a hand up. Few activities lift the spirit more than helping others. If we open our eyes and look, opportunities abound. Doing so lifts our own spirits.