Tag: World

Connected Shepherds

As I get older, I see how easy it is to be disconnected, even reclusive from the world, world events, and activities, especially what a younger generation faces every day. It may be in the home, at school, on the job, or in the community.

Shepherds, who tend to be older (by God’s design), can easily become isolated from the world. When this happens, they are challenged to help provide solid biblical answers for these challenges when they are asked.

Take time with the sheep to learn about the battles they fight and focus on how to provide biblical answers to help them fight the good fight of faith.

We need good shepherds.

What Shall I Do?

Nearly 2,000 years ago this question was asked by a governor with the power to deliver or destroy. Sadly, the influence of the Jews and fear of allowing a threat to Rome go free, Pilate sentenced Jesus to crucifixion.

Our answer becomes a foundation for our influence in several areas of life.

Family: Let us lead our family to heaven.
Job: Work to please Christ, not men.
Worship: Meet with God and bring a gift.
World: Be the influence our world needs.

What will we do? Our answer makes the difference in others seeing the influence of Jesus.

Balanced or Imbalanced

Our lives fall into three major categories: home, world, and church. Amazingly, when we are out of balance in one, the other two are affected.

Leaders have a tremendous responsibility to cautiously approach the work consumption syndrome and not lose sight of the focus needed in the church and home. When we are imbalanced, everything suffers, even our work.

Ultimately, when the spiritual element of our life is not prioritized, nothing else works.

Our task begins with establishing the right priorities and leading from that position.

A Kind Word

In the harshness of our present world, the power behind a kind word strengths the nature of leadership.

Speaking with kindness benefits every level of a leader’s influence. When a word is spoken with kindness several results occur.

The desire to achieve kindness benefits others.
The value or worth of the individual is raised to a level of importance.
The fruit of the Spirit develops into a more Christlike quality.
The goal of unity among brethren is exemplified.
The example of Christ’s sacrifice is characterized by our sacrifice.
The outreach to a world of non-Christians is built upon a foundation of love.

Ultimately, God is glorified.

Improving Others

Improving others is one of the greatest keys to successful leadership.

Jim Rohn said, “A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.”

The quality identified in this act is simple. We are talking about genuine love.

When leaders care for and demonstrate love for others they will always work to serve, placing the needs and desires of the other person above their own.

This attitude was beautifully exemplified in the life of Jesus and, as Christians, we have a responsibility to help the world to see Him in us.

Mentoring…part 3

A 2013 documentary, “Inside Chipotle,” highlighted a very important area regarding leadership. Managers in the company are promoted on the basis of how they develop leaders among their employees.

The concept of leaders developing leaders is a highly known principle in most all leadership models.

How amazing would it be for spiritual leaders to consider developing other leaders?

Jesus demonstrated this in developing the apostles for the task of evangelizing the world.

Paul instructs older men to set an example of a godly life and for older women to teach younger women matters of the home.

We influence others everyday. Let us mentor them to lead.

Conversations Worth Talking About

Do we have anything worth talking about?

Far too many conversations revolve around subjects of little consequence. Kin Hubbard says, ”Don’t knock the weather. If it didn’t change once in a while, nine-tenths of the people couldn’t start a conversation.”

When we consider our influence for Christ, it makes sense that we focus our conversations on spiritual matters?

When we consider eternity, our conversations change with those we encounter in life?

When we consider the condition of our world, do we ever wonder about our responsibility to others?

Our time on earth is more than the trivial pursuit of fruitless knowledge.

The good news of Jesus is something worth talking about!

The Passion Pyramid

Yesterday, I wrote about passionate leaders where I discussed Steve Moore’s emphasis on interest-based and issue-based passion. Steve’s book, Who is My Neighbor, digs more deeply into the idea of what he calls the passion pyramid.

He refers to four levels of passion.

The first level involves the inner desire to learn.
The second level is where we engage in activities we are passion about.
The third level is when we influence others to participate.
The fourth level requires sacrifice of time, energy, and resources.

Passion cannot be hidden. When we become passionate about Christ, we will change the world.


The bottom line does not always give an accurate assessment of success or failure.

When we gauge success strictly by the numbers we miss how God works to achieve His will. To God, success is found when husbands love their wives as Christ loved the church, when wives submit to their husbands as to the Lord, when children obey their parents, and when fathers train their children up in the Lord.

Success is found in the moral and ethical behavior of Christians in the world.

When Christians feed on the word of God, mature in their faith, and the pattern of leadership is followed, God sees success.

The Influence of One

At times, a phrase or thought can evoke a well-house of emotions and strength.

We possess the mental fortitude to influence direction, situations, and the lives of others, but we often do not follow through because we think it will not make a difference. After all, what difference can one person make?

History records the powerful influence one person can have on the world.

We must allow God to use us as that influence in our context. We can be that one!

Imagine the impact when leaders work together in the church to influence the direction of the world.