Can You Hear Me? Part 2

Can you hear me? It is hard to hear someone if they are not communicating. But, what are we communicating? What have I been communicating? By our words, attitudes, actions, body language, and a hundred other means, we are sending a message. What message did we want to send? Are we paying attention? I must admit, I have not!

As I thought about this blog, I was amazed at how I have failed to communicate more frequently. After all, this is a leadership blog, right? How can you or I lead others if we are not communicating to them.

Communication takes commitment. I have buried myself in the idea that I must write a lengthy article in order to communicate my message, but not true. I have been challenged and I am rising to the call. I am committing myself to write a message, however long of short, each day during the week to help us grow in our understanding and development of leadership.

I want to increase the audience base who reads this information. However, I know in order to do so, I will need your help. I must communicate and communicate often. Can you hear me? Please share the information with others and may we all grow as leaders.

1 comment on “Can You Hear Me? Part 2

  1. Jon Warnes says:

    I want to thank you for your commitment! I’ve witnessed it 1st hand since September 2008! Knowing what I know and seeing what I see with you, Bob, tells me you are the kind of leader we should all strive to be like. Your godly example is refreshing within the Lord’s church, especially in a time when true godly leadership is hard to find. Love you!

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