The Rearview Mirror…

The rearview mirror allows us to see what is behind. It reflects where we have been and the people we have passed along the way.

As spiritual leaders, there is figurative significance to using the rearview mirror to look back on the past year.

Tomorrow night represents a time people celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of a another. Generally, we tend to look at areas we need to change and make a resolution to improve in the year ahead.

Rarely do we consider the whole of our influence in leadership. When we look back over 2010 we need to ask a few questions.

Were we good stewards of a God entrusted leadership?

Are other people better because of our influence and example in leadership?

Did we reach souls with the gospel?

Were we able to accomplish our goals for the year?

What changes are needed to improve our leadership?

These questions represent only a few we should consider as we close out this chapter in history. As we set the stage for the year ahead, take out the rearview mirror and look at the past, ask a few questions, and make the needed adjustments for 2011.

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