What Shall I Do?

Nearly 2,000 years ago this question was asked by a governor with the power to deliver or destroy. Sadly, the influence of the Jews and fear of allowing a threat to Rome go free caused Pilate to crucify Jesus.

We must all answer the question.

Our answer provides a foundation for our influence as spiritual leaders.

Family: Leading our family to heaven should be the number one task. Being consumed with self causes us to lose sight of leading as God directs.

Job: Our conduct on the job must be driven by Paul’s words to the church in Colossae. We work to please Christ, not men.

Worship: We need to understand worship. Worship is a meeting with God where we bring a gift. Too many approach worship to “get” something. Worship is to God, not from Him.

World: Jesus explained we are in the world, but not of the world. Our lives should never be influenced by the world. Rather, we are to influence the world.

What will we do? Our answer makes the difference in others seeing the influence of Jesus.

1 comment on “What Shall I Do?

  1. Rick says:

    Great points, very practical, helpful. 🙂

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